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Hassan Laaziri, elected president of the Moroccan Association of Capital Investors


June 29, 2024 at 09:46

Hassan Laaziri is managing director of CDG Invest Growth. He started his career in the industrial domain and joined CDG Invest Growth in 2001, says theFRIEND in a press release.

He participated in the creation and launch of the company which today manages more than $400 million in funds under management. Having worked for over 25 years in the sector capital investment au Moroccohe is a director of several companies in various sectors of activity.

Mr. Laaziri will be supported in his mission by a new office, a management body responsible for defining and ensuring the implementation of strategic choices.

This office is composed of a vice-president and a treasurer, respectively. Tarik Haddiadministrator and general manager ofAzur Innovation Managementt, and Khaoula Ramdigeneral manager at Upline Investments.

The other four appointed directors are Nabil Hayatadministrator at Attijari Capital Management, Zairi CannonManaging Partner chez EmergingTech Ventures, Hatim Ben AhmedManaging Partner chez Mediterranean Capital Partnerset Omar BekkaliPartner at Private Equity Initiatives.

The two observers on the board of directors are Bassim Jaï HokimChairman and CEO ofAtlamed Capitalet Mohammed Nassetgeneral director of Red Med Capital Private Equity.

As the new president, Mr. Laaziri plans to continue AMIC’s efforts, which have resulted, in nearly twenty years, in supporting more than 280 companies and raising nearly 27.8 billion dirhams (MMDH) to finance companies and infrastructure projectswith a positive impact both on growth and on the aspects ESG.


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