DayFR Euro

Petition urges Bern to act against algorithmic discrimination

Brought together by and around Algorithmwatch CH, a coalition is calling on the Federal Council to take measures against discrimination in algorithms and AI. The executive is expected to decide in 2025 on its approach to regulating this technology.

The Swiss branch of Algorithmwatch and a broad coalition of personalities and organisations are launching an appeal and an online petition asking the Federal Council to take action against discrimination by algorithms and AI. To support its approach, the organisation cites several cases of such discrimination by companies and authorities that have been made public in recent months. “Protection against discrimination needs to be updated. The use of artificial intelligence can indeed discriminate against people on the basis of very different characteristics. The Federal Council must make this challenge a priority for future regulations around AI,” comments Angela Müller, Director of AlgorithmWatch CH.

Among the first signatories are parliamentarians from several parties, professors and experts, as well as organizations committed to those affected, such as Alliance F and Pro Juventute, organizations defending human rights and fundamental rights such as Amnesty International Switzerland and Notre Droit, as well as consumer protection organizations and unions.

The organization recalls that the executive has requested a report from DETEC on the basis of which it will decide on its approach to the regulation of AI during 2025. Two motions on the subject were also tabled in the National Council. “The broad support for our call shows that protection against discrimination by algorithms and AI is an urgent social concern. The Federal Council must now act accordingly,” notes Estelle Pannatier, Policy and Advocacy Officer at AlgorithmWatch CH.


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