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Welcome surprise for the owners! You will like the end of the year which will not be as hard as expected at least for the payment of this tax

Tax surprise: Homeowners spared from property tax increase in 2024.

Discover the unexpected relief homeowners feel as property tax rates remain stable in 2024, despite fears of another increase.

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Surprising stability of property tax rates

According to an annual survey conducted by the FSL firm, a large number of municipalities have chosen not to increase property tax rates in 2024. More specifically, in more than 80% of cities with more than 40,000 inhabitants and their inter-municipalities, the rates will remain unchanged. This decision marks a welcome break after years of successive increases.

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A reduced tax burden for owners

The study reveals a trend toward moderation in property tax increases, especially in medium-sized cities (40,000 to 100,000 inhabitants), where the increase has been “more reasonable.” This data comes as a relief to owners who had suffered sharp increases in 2023, straining their finances.

The impact of municipal decisions

Data analysis shows a clear improvement compared to previous years. For example, in 2024, 34 out of 42 large cities maintained their property tax rates, compared to only 76% in 2023 and 69% in 2022. This indicates a significant change in municipal fiscal management, oriented towards greater fiscal stability.

The most and least greedy cities

Some large cities, however, have chosen to increase their rates, with notable increases in Nice, Saint-Étienne, Nancy, Annecy and Villeurbanne. Conversely, in cities with populations of 40,000 to 100,000, the majority have opted for stability or very slight increases, illustrating a trend towards fiscal prudence.

Implications for landlords and the real estate market

This stabilization of property tax rates could have positive implications for the real estate market and for the budgets of homeowners. It offers a well-deserved respite and could encourage real estate investment in certain regions.

Outlook and economic context

Maintaining property tax rates in 2024 is part of an economic context where municipalities seem to be aware of the need to support owners in the face of growing financial challenges. This approach could be a model for other regions seeking to balance fiscal needs with citizen support.

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This article explores the surprising stability of property tax rates in 2024, news that brings unexpected relief to homeowners. Despite economic pressures and past increases, the majority of cities with populations over 40,000 have decided to maintain their rates, contributing to some fiscal tranquility in an otherwise uncertain economic climate.


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