DayFR Euro

La Banque Postale: publication of the 4th Responsible Savings Barometer

The Responsible savings barometer was carried out in March 2024 on a sample of 1,000 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over.

Its main lessons:

  • In a still marked inflationary context, savers generally remain cautious and seeking securitywith a growing interest in socially responsible investment products (ISR) nevertheless still unknown to the general public ;
  • Investment intention in so-called SRI investments is slightly increasingwith more marked adoption among the most active and younger investors;
  • The need for financial education and pedagogy on the impacts of SRI labels remains strong;
  • The constitution of a precautionary savings still constitutes a priority objective for more than 85 % the French ;
  • 69 % save mainly for prepare for retirement et 52 % are also motivated by the transmission of heritage within 10 years.

To find out more, read the Press release et access the study on the site of The postal bank

Created and supported by the Ministry of Finance, and label ISR aims to make SRI products more visible to savers in France and Europe. Awarded following a strict labelling process conducted by independent organisations, it constitutes a unique benchmark for savers wishing to participate in a more responsible and sustainable economy. Learn more


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