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Here are the three dates to remember for those who have not yet received it

This year, due to a bug, one million households did not receive their energy check last April. For this category of households, an online counter will handle their complaints starting in July. In addition to the official opening date of the platform, which was announced on Thursday, those who were forgotten should remember two other key dates.

Eligible people who did not receive the energy check during the distribution campaign which ended on April 15 will have to request it from July 4. It is, in fact, on this date that the opening of the online complaints window will take place, announced Thursday June 27, the National Energy Mediator. Before submitting your request, you should first check your eligibility for the system. Various online simulators dedicated to this purpose are available, including that of the energy check site which also allows you to estimate the amount due in the event of eligibility.

The beneficiaries of this exceptional wave of sending, decided following a technical hiccup linked to the abolition of the housing tax, are the households that became eligible for the system in 2023. These are precisely those who noted a decline in their resources or experienced a new birth. Young people entering working life may also be affected, specifies Le National Energy Mediator.

Until December 31 to request the energy check

The other date to know is December 31, 2024, the deadline to claim the energy check, the amount of which varies from 48 to 277 euros. Thus, the households concerned will have 6 months in total to complete the process. Remember that you must attach to your request a copy of your identity document, your tax number and an energy bill in your name to verify consumption.

Finally, the last deadline to remember relates to receipt of the check, which will take place 1 month maximum following the date the request was sent. Therefore, the earlier the request is made, the more likely you are to receive this financial boost quickly. To do this, it would be useful to prepare your documents in advance and to carefully check the information entered on the online claims portal. It is also recommended to make your complaint as soon as the site opens, to avoid periods of saturation.

The energy check site specifies that it is possible to carry out “via user assistance and send their supporting documents by post, also attaching their 2022 income declaration, declared in 2023. In this case, the processing time will be two months maximum.


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