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The reform of the CRI aims to support the country’s economic growth – Aujourd’hui le Maroc

The new phase of reform and development of the Regional Investment Centers (CRI) aims to strengthen the investment dynamic and support the economic growth of the Kingdom, indicated Wednesday in the House of Representatives, the Minister Delegate to the head of government, responsible for investment, convergence and evaluation of public policies, Mohcine Jazouli.

During a meeting of the Finance and Economic Development Committee, devoted to the presentation of draft law No. 22.24 amending and supplementing law No. 47-18 on the reform of the CRIs and the creation of the Unified Regional Investment Commissions (CRUIs), Mr. Jazouli explained that the reform of the CRIs aims to strengthen their missions and their role, to increase their efficiency as well as that of the CRUIs, and to establish a unified and decentralized governance of investment.

Regarding the new features introduced by the bill, Mr. Jazouli indicated that they concern the governance and organization of the CRIs, the functioning of the CRUIs, the decentralization of investment agreements of less than 250 million dirhams (MDH), as well as investments in the field of urban development and appeals filed by investors. In terms of governance and organization of the CRIs, he specified that the presidency of the board of directors of these centers will be the responsibility of the head of government or a government authority designated by him.


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