DayFR Euro

This is the amount that, according to the French, is needed to invest well

To make your money grow, there are several investment methods that are popular in France and elsewhere. But for a large part of the French, investing is only possible if you have fairly comfortable starting capital.

Between May 24 and 31, OpinionWay conducted a survey (for the investment solutions provider BlackRock) among numerous French people. The purpose of this survey is to determine the population’s vision of investment. Thus, according to this study, 72% of people surveyed believe that it is necessary to have precautionary savings to ensure financial savings.

For 46% of French people, the ideal is to have a comfortable retirement so that they no longer have to worry about finances. On the other hand, 31% of those questioned in this survey believe that having your own home greatly contributes to ensuring your financial security. Finally, when it comes to savings, 39% of French people think that a savings plan into which payments are made regularly also makes it possible to protect oneself in the event of an unforeseen event.

In addition to the preferences of the French, the survey also reveals that 48% of those surveyed indicate that they have already invested money, compared to 20% who wish to do so in the future. It is men and young people who invest the most. 67% of French people aged between 18 and 24 who were questioned as part of this survey reveal that they have already invested. Among 25-34 year olds, 74% of them indicate that they have already opted for a money investment.

However, despite this significant number of French people having already invested (or wishing to do so), the vast majority believe that you need to have a good financial fund to start investing. In detail, according to the results of the survey conducted by OpinionWay, many French people set the minimum amount to invest at 8,721 euros on average. For almost one in four French people, they need to have at least 5,000 euros saved to invest.

The French are not very comfortable with finance

Although today there are many supports that allow you to start an investment with small amounts of money, only 10% of people questioned as part of this study think that it is possible to invest less than 100 euros .

Furthermore, the survey highlights another problem: the complexity of financial products. Clearly, 82% of French people surveyed admit to experiencing great difficulty with the complexity of these products. Moreover, 77% of those questioned believe that they do not understand the mechanisms of finance. A lack of understanding which creates a fear of finding oneself ruined. 81% of French people express a fear of seeing their investments disappear.


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