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Geneva’s support system for tenants in difficulty will be made permanent –

The Geneva authorities have drawn positive results from the pilot project to support tenants in difficulty. In two years, 249 households were able to benefit from this “effective system” to cover their rent arrears. It will be made permanent from January 2025.

Launched in February 2022, the mechanism is simple. Attached to the formal notice is a form that the tenant must complete and send to the Hospice Général. After assessment, the latter can obtain the money from a private foundation partnering with the project to settle the rent arrears. Real estate circles are responsible for facilitating contacts and the transmission of information.

Between June 2022 and May 2024, 702 applications were submitted and 240 households were able to benefit from this support, details the Department of Social Cohesion on Thursday in a press release. The amount of aid received amounts to 785,000 francs.

The reasons given to explain the problems related to rent payment are multiple. The most important is linked to the existence of debts or unexpected bills. Unemployment and health reasons come next.

Fill a gap

According to scores carried out by the authorities, more than 86% of beneficiaries still held their lease a few months after receiving assistance. In addition, 64% of beneficiaries had no new rent arrears.

“We now have an effective tool to fill a gap that existed in our social system,” commented Thierry Apothéloz, State Councilor in charge of the Department of Social Cohesion, quoted in the press release.

Mostly single people and families

Among the 702 requests processed, 35% came from single people, 34% from couples with children and 25% from single-parent families. The income of applicants is generally very low, with an average salary of just over 3,000 francs per month.

Their fortune is particularly low, if not non-existent. In fact, more than 90% of beneficiaries have no financial reserves in the household (less than 750 francs).

Applicants’ rents average around 1,500 francs per month, including charges. As for the professional occupation indicated, half are employees and 21% are unemployed. Few self-employed people make use of this one-off aid. The arrears carried over normally amount to two months’ rent.

A measure deemed effective

“The people who have benefited from this assistance have all expressed their relief at being able to stay in their homes. This measure has proven to be truly effective at a relatively modest cost and has the approval of all the partners,” adds Leila Badiss, project manager for the General Hospice.

The Geneva Real Estate Chamber fully supports a “balanced and beneficial solution for all”. For it, the initiative has the advantage of reducing the costs associated with eviction and re-letting procedures and helps to stabilise relations between landlords and tenants.



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