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Lausanne: the City gives up its ice rink in the Palais de Beaulieu

Lausanne gives up its ice rink in the Palais de Beaulieu

For technical reasons, the Municipality abandoned its 14 million project. Other sites are being studied in the north of the city.

Published: 06/27/2024, 6:31 p.m.

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The project was said to be delayed. He is finally abandoned. Lausanne announces that it will not develop ice rink in hall 7 of Beaulieu“The preliminary project called into question the results of the feasibility study by showing that the structure did not have sufficient load-bearing capacity to support the necessary acoustic and thermal insulation measures,” explains the Municipality.

Two solutions had been considered: the construction of a concrete shell or the dismantling/reassembly of the structure. These two possibilities no longer presented the environmental advantage of maintaining the existing structure as identified at the time of the notice and “well” exceeded the financial framework of 14 million francs voted by the Municipal Council.

In the Tuilière area?

The City’s ice surfaces, currently six in number – including those of the Vaudoise arena – will nevertheless have to undergo changes in the years to come. “As a general rule, for energy reasons, open ice surfaces should be abandoned. That of Pontaise must make way for a school,” remind the authorities. And given the popularity of ice sports and the demographic development of Lausanne, it is necessary to find an alternative solution to the Pontaise ice rink.

Where could this ice rink be located? The Municipality advocates a decentralized organization of equipment. Thus, a location is desired to the north of the city, near Plaines-du-Loup. The plot known as Grattapaille, north of Avenue du Grey, owned by the Municipality, is today favored for setting up an ice rink as well as administrative premises which could accommodate the International Skating Union. Other locations in the Tuilière sector are still being studied.


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Laurent Antonoff has been a journalist in the Vaud section since 1990. After covering the regions of Northern Vaud and the Riviera, he joined the Lausanne editorial team at the turn of the millennium. A novelist in his spare time, he won the Berner Zeitung Local Journalism Prize in 1998.More informations

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