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FIAD24. Africa here and now

Bringing together some 2,000 business leaders and political decision-makers from more than thirty African countries and Morocco’s partner countries, FIAD24 stands out by focusing the debates on concrete solutions to the structural problems posed in Africa. “Here and now” are the key words launched in this context by Attijariwafa bank and its reference shareholder, the pan-African private investment fund Al Mada, initiators of this event enhanced by the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

This year’s edition of FIAD, after the six others organized since 2010, is taking place in a particular global and continental context. This was not forgotten by the Chairman and CEO of the Attijariwafa bank group. In opening FIAD24, Mohamed El Kettani called for the transformation of cyclical challenges into promising opportunities. “We must adapt and take advantage of these reconfigurations to achieve our potential and play an even more decisive role in the global economic cycle,” he insisted.

Starting from the very successful experience of the group he chairs in Africa and in various countries around the world, El Kettani called for the convergence of visions and energies and the institutionalization of the cooperation framework which are, according to he, more than ever, the driving forces behind this ambition to give Africa the means to position itself as an actor who is writing its future.

Stating that Africa is at a crossroads, Mohamed El Kettani shared with the large audience who listened attentively that the continent has its destiny in hand. “Today, we are opening a new chapter, a chapter where Africa realizes itself without concession, where every challenge becomes an opportunity, where together we shape our future,” he stressed.

By emphasizing the present, El Kettani did not fail to share his optimism for the future. He notably highlighted the good prospects that the Zlecaf opens up for intra-African trade. “Over the next few years, we will see the liberalization of more than 90% of customs duties. Africa is indeed at a major turning point in its history,” he said.

It is to this Africa “that must trust Africa”, as declared by the CEO of Attijariwafa bank, recalling the famous call of King Mohammed VI at the Abidjan Forum, that FIAD24 is dedicated. The objective, as specified by the director of the Africa Development Club, Mouna Kadiri, linchpin of FIAD, is the good meeting of intelligences for the emergence of new ideas and practices in favor of the development of the continent.

To do this, a central pavilion was reserved in the large exhibition space of the Forum for the AfCFTA, which is participating in the event with a strong delegation led by its Secretary General, Wamkele Mene. In speaking, the latter also insisted on the “Here and Now” advocated by his hosts. “We must no longer remain the continent of potential and therefore of the future. The potential is there and we must be the continent of the present,” he proclaimed. Through his words, Mene shares the same enthusiasm expressed by the organizers of the Forum, an enthusiasm that is matched only by that of the Minister of Trade and Industry. Ryad Mezzour also supported the idea of ​​concrete action, an approach, he stressed, which has enabled Morocco to rise to the big leagues in the automobile industry, phosphate processing and many other sectors.

We can clearly see that FIAD24 has got off to a flying start. Conferences, B-to-B meetings and exchanges will follow one another within the “Investment Market” space where Benin, Cameroon, Congo, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Gabon, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal and Togo, in addition to Morocco, are in the spotlight. Enough to bring about new joint projects in the service of Africa.



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