DayFR Euro

Stellantis plant to close tool shop, relocate to Asia

The news was announced this Thursday morning during a social and economic committee. By this fall, the Stellantis factory in Rennes will separate from its bottling tool manufacturing workshop which will be relocated to Asia, we learned from the unions.

In 2021, the Sochaux plant had already suffered the same fate and it will be the same in the coming years for the sites of Tychy (Poland) and Mirafori (Italy). Contacted, the management of the Stellantis plant in La Janais confirmed the information, justifying its decision by “the ultra-competitive context” in the automotive sector.

“Ecological nonsense” for the CFDT

“The management is arguing its choice for economic reasons, the social and ecological aspect is non-existent, reacted Laurent Valy, CFDT union representative, in a press release. It is ecological nonsense to produce thousands of tons of tools in Asia to equip production lines in Europe. Our Stellantis automobile factories in Europe will become dependent on the delivery of tools from Asia with all the associated risks, particularly in light of the geopolitical situation.”

The 82 employees who worked in the workshop will be reassigned to other positions in the factory, in particular in the plastic injunction workshop which must see the light of day to equip the future vehicle, expected in 2025.


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