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Prices scrutinized by ANRE – Today Morocco

The National Electricity Regulatory Authority (ANRE) is putting the prices for the use of medium voltage electricity networks under the microscope. To do this, it has just launched a call for competition in the tariff area linked to the regulation of the electricity sector. Its expectations, as it specifies, are not limited to the definition of a methodology for calculating said tariffs which takes into account the constraints and characteristics of the Moroccan context but also aim at the appropriation of international practices in the matter, and to the price calculation tool. This project must take into account the current organization of the electricity distribution sector in Morocco and the proposed solutions must remain applicable in the future organizational plan which provides for the creation of regional multi-service companies (SRM).

Define an appropriate model for calculating tariffs for the use of medium voltage (MV) electricity networks. This is the project that the National Electricity Regulatory Authority (ANRE) is currently working on. Indeed, the regulator is looking for a consulting firm to support it in order to define a detailed methodology and a model for calculating the tariffs for the use of these networks to be applied by network managers (DSOs) to remunerate the services provided to their customers within the framework of respectively Law 13-09 relating to renewable energies and Law 82-21 relating to the self-production of electrical energy. “The ultimate objective is to have a price list allowing the elements listed in Article 16 of Law No. 48-15 as it has been modified and supplemented to be taken into account, strictly respect for the principles of equity, transparency and efficiency,” indicates ANRE. In this sense, it is a question of relying on the legislative and regulatory texts governing the renewable energy sector and the self-production of electrical energy, including the decisions of the ANRE published in this framework, in particular with regard to concerns the terms of application and payment for system services, the price of which was set by ANRE in February 2024. Through this project, ANRE wants to take advantage of best practices in this area through the benchmark which will be carried out and have a relevant and scalable methodology for setting MT tariffs as well as the conditions for their application. It is also a question of having the tools and solutions adapted to the treatment of certain specificities of the electricity sector in Morocco, in particular of the institutional plan governing the distribution sector and of proposing relevant recommendations making it possible to ensure, in a sustainable way, the review of the data to be used in the calculation of MT tariffs.
It must be said that the national energy strategy launched in 2009 essentially aims, as ANRE points out, to increase the attractiveness of the renewable energy sector in Morocco and to promote the development of an ecosystem operating in the production of electricity. green. “To do this, Morocco has just strengthened its legislative, regulatory and institutional framework adapted through, in particular, the promulgation of law n°40-19 modifying and supplementing law n°13-09 relating to renewable energies and the law n°82-21 relating to the self-production of electrical energy. These two laws define the rules and conditions to ensure a gradual opening of the renewable energy market in Morocco through the promotion of private initiatives for the production of renewable energy, its marketing and its export via access to electricity networks,” reports the same source. Regarding the regulatory framework, the National Electricity Regulatory Authority indicates that Law No. 48-15 relating to the regulation of the electricity sector and the creation of the ANRE has established the principles of regulation of the electricity sector including, in particular, the modalities of access to transport networks and medium voltage distribution as well as the principles for setting and approving tariffs for the use of said networks. Concerning the organization of the electricity distribution sector in Morocco, the distribution of electricity in Morocco is ensured by three categories of operators, namely public authorities (seven authorities operate under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior and are also in charge of drinking water and liquid sanitation distribution activities), private distributors (four private operators operate in large cities, i.e. Casablanca, Rabat, Tangier and Tetouan, within the framework of delegated management) and ONEE which ensures the distribution of electricity in other areas outside those managed by authorities and private distributors. “In order to support advanced regionalization, Law No. 83-21 relating to Multi-Service Regional Companies (SRM) was adopted. This law aims, among other things, to rationalize investments in the distribution sector and to address spatial disparities in the distribution of public electricity, drinking water and liquid sanitation services. These SRMs would, ultimately, be the only operators in charge of managing these services in each region of the Kingdom,” explains ANRE.
It should be noted that this project launched by ANRE will have to take into account the organization of the electricity distribution sector in Morocco, which is characterized by the coexistence of public operators, namely ONEE and the distribution authorities, and private operators, namely Lydec, Amendis and Redal. “The proposed solutions will also have to remain applicable in the future organizational plan which provides for the creation of Regional Multi-Service Companies (SRM) and this in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 83-21,” notes the same source.


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