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An anti-vax figure from Vaud has died

François de Siebenthal has died

Known for his opposition to the vaccine and measures against Covid, the Vaudois died Wednesday evening at the CHUV.

Published today at 12:11 p.m.

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The news spread on social networks. François de Siebenthal died Wednesday evening at the age of 68. According to the website, which is close to the convictions of the Vaudois, he had cancer. A widely followed personality in anti-vax and conspiracy circles, he found himself in intensive care at the CHUV in November 2021, struck by Covid while fighting state measures against the coronavirus.

He was subsequently able to take part in public or video interventions. But he was still on respiratory assistance. Geneva scientist Astrid Stuckelberger, controversial for her positions on the subject of Covid, confirms to us that François de Siebenthal died on Wednesday at 7:35 p.m. in palliative care at the CHUV. He was surrounded by his children and grandchildren, “in faith and in serenity”.

Vaudois voters discovered François de Siebenthal in 2003. He presented himself by surprise in the second round of the election to the Council of State under the banner of the Vaudois Challenge against the ecologist François Marthaler. An economist, Catholic with very conservative positions, opposed to abortion, the father of eight children obtained 7% of the votes. Also consul of the Philippines, he was part of the Appeal to the People movement which brought together “justice rebels”.

“Full Money” Initiative

We find him in 2018 as the champion of the “Full Currency” initiative, which wanted to give the BNS the monopoly on the creation of digital currency. But the campaign committee distanced itself from him because he had intervened in the premises of the far-right group Resistance Helvetiquein Aigle.

Site creator, he was still in the streets of Geneva on October 9, 2021, shortly before his hospitalization, during a demonstration opposing measures against the pandemic. He had described vaccines during a interview with RTS in December 2020as “toxic products” created by “sorcerer’s apprentices” with the aim of “doing harm”.


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Philippe Maspoli is a journalist for the Vaud section. He worked in local journalism, was responsible for regional editorial offices and followed legal cases. He is currently dedicated to all subjects that affect people in their daily lives. More informations @PhilippeMas

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