DayFR Euro

Car and home insurance: why the “attack” tax increases by 60 cents on July 1

These are a few extra cents on your insurance premium which will give a big breath of fresh air to the accounts of the Guarantee Fund for Victims of Acts of Terrorism and Other Offenses (FGTI). The “attack” tax collected on each car and home insurance contract will increase on July 1 from 5.90 euros to 6.50 euros per year. An increase of 60 cents which will make it possible to release, over the full year, around 60 million additional euros, while the attack tax brought in around 580 million euros last year.

The amount of this contribution, applied to nearly 100 million contracts, had already increased from 3.30 euros to 4.30 euros in 2016 then to 5.90 euros a year later following the various attacks ( November 13, 2015, Nice…) having affected France.

These boosts proved insufficient to ensure the financial sustainability of the FGTI, created in 1986 to compensate victims of attacks and extended since 1990 to victims of common law offenses (homicides, rapes and sexual assaults, etc.). Because the Fund’s own resources are negative at -5.6 billion euros at the end of 2022.

The Court of Auditors already predicted in 2021 a deterioration of the financial situation in the medium term, “particularly worrying” due to “the increasing cost of full reparation for the damage suffered by the victims”.

New missions for the guarantee fund

And, with constant resources, the situation did not promise to improve. Because the justice orientation and programming law adopted last fall attributes new compensation missions to the fund.

Victims of domestic violence and minors will now be able to contact the Crime Victims Compensation Commission (Civi) to assert their rights. Concretely, this involves helping victims of domestic violence and violence against minors but also, subject to resource conditions, owners confronted with squatters.

Once the victim has been compensated, the FGTI then turns, as is the case for example in an accident caused by a driver without insurance, against the perpetrator, convicted of the offense, and demands reimbursement of the damages. compensation paid. But it still has to be solvent.


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