DayFR Euro

The little surprise that can be paid for in cash

The German Euro wants to be ultra connected. You are made to scan QR codes in the stadium for competitions and you have to activate your Bluetooth to have the right “customer experience” when entering the arenas before matches. But in much of the country, including the capital, all-plastic still has work to do. Because the old cash, with coins and notes, is resisting.

We tried to ask why in certain shops – especially the bistros which favor or even require payment in hard cash – digital currencies were not accepted, but the explanations are nebulous. “We never thought about installing the card reader”, “The signal does not go through the bar”, or even a little logical anti-globalization side given the face of the place.

We tried to submit the idea that it was perhaps a matter of avoiding some administrative hassles, without even mentioning the various taxes or VAT to be avoided, but there we were treated to offended denials. Also, however, a few winks a little further behind the zinc.

We also readily speak of a “law of nature” in the area. Because we like it when things are tangible. But the costs of acquiring the technology necessary to collect cash bills and the costs that result from it also contribute quite a bit to this real choice, it seems.

The arguments of supporters of cash here regularly mention data protection. Is this a reminiscence of the communist era in former East Germany? Being stalked by Google and Yahoo is not like being listened to by the Stasi, but it can explain a certain state of mind. We are still in the country in the world that has the record for asking for your house to be blurred on Google Maps!

Well, it’s not just the means of payment that takes us back many years. Because according to what we have observed, whether in Hamburg or Berlin for example, many drinking establishments still allow customers to smoke inside. Honestly, we didn’t really remember what it felt like. We quickly remembered it the next day, when we had the bad idea of ​​trying to wear the same clothes again…

It comes from local laws, obviously much criticized in 2024, but which want bistros to have the choice. As long as they are prohibited for those under 18, measure less than 75m2, do not sell dishes, are marked as smokers (well, when you see ashtrays on the bar, there is no longer any doubt. ..) and of course be declared as such to the authorities, take out your lighter. But still plan for dry cleaning afterwards…


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