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Turkey imposes tariffs on Chinese electric cars

Turkey introduces new customs duties on Chinese electric cars. A trade war is brewing with China.

The arrival of chinese electric cars in several markets outside China is not accompanied by the success expected by manufacturers. Chinese companies clearly did not expect to receive such a mixed reception from European and American governments. In the USA, the Biden government decided last May to increase customs duties on electric vehicles from Chinese manufacturers to 100%. Now, it is Turkey’s turn to strike hard with exorbitant customs duties on electric cars from China.

Turkish government engages in trade war against Chinese electric cars

Turkey has decided to adopt the same policy as the European Union and the United States. The Turkish government is indeed concerned about a recent worsening of its trade deficit. However, the mass importation of Chinese electric cars may not help the situation. Turkey is also entering a trade war with China.
THE Turkish Ministry of Commerce recently announced an increase in customs duties against Chinese electric cars. The increase is not as significant as in the United States, but Turkey seems to have taken the EU as an example. From now on, the chinese electric vehicles will be subject to duties of 40% when entering Turkish territory.
However, the government has not explicitly denounced the massive arrival of Chinese cars on its market. For the Ministry of Commerce, the objective of this measure is rather to protect the country’s trade balance. Local industry must also be protected, said the Turkish government.

Electric cars are not the only Chinese vehicles targeted by Turkey

In reality, this increase in customs duties on Chinese electric cars is not a surprise. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been involved in this project since 2023. On the other hand, the extent of the increase is greater than expected. Electric cars are in fact not the only vehicles affected by new customs duties.
Turkey also understood the combustion cars and hybrid cars in these additional rights. The increase is, moreover, very high and is proving to be a new blow for Chinese manufacturers. Turkey is not just imposing 40% duties. The latter amount in all cases to a minimum of more than 6,000 euros.


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