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INFO LA DEPECHE. Pyramid system: without news from their boss, five employees of the Immeuble firm forced to resign

the essential
Five employees of the Immeuble Syndic firm are calling for help. They are deprived of software, hardware and mailboxes. Their boss, however, continues to pay them without responding to their requests.

“We’re calling out for help. We’re abandoned and no one seems to care,” Claire says, her voice trembling with emotion. This Toulouse woman has worked for ten years for the Immeuble firm, a real estate company in Toulouse, managed by Jean-Claude Vergnes, suspected of embezzlement of tens of millions of euros via a pyramid scheme.

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“Initially, when La Dépêche du Midi revealed these embezzlements, the managers tried to reassure, affirming that it was just a passing storm,” recalls Claire. But the Cabinet Building ultimately found itself at the heart of a real hurricane.

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The climax was reached on January 18, 2024. That day, faced with the colossal debts claimed by creditors, estimated at more than 20 million euros, the courts ordered liquidation.

“We, who manage the co-ownerships, are the only sector of activity of the company that can still work. The Cabinet l’Immeuble trustee has been spared until now by the court,” adds an employee.

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INFO LA DEPECHE. Pyramid system in Toulouse real estate: millions of euros in debt for Cabinet l’Immeuble put into liquidation

No more telephone, no more mutual insurance or software for working

However, the situation is deteriorating every day. For two months, Claire has been paid “to do nothing”. Her boss no longer answers her calls and she no longer even has access to her professional email address. “We no longer have software to work with, no more telephone, no more mutual insurance or meal vouchers. Salaries are systematically paid late. I have the impression that Mr. Vergnes wants to push us to resign,” analyzes the spokesperson for the “five resistance fighters”.

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She is also worried about the last clients of the Immeuble Syndic firm. “Owners, who have paid for our services, find themselves wronged, without a contact. They continue to pay contributions while we no longer respect our commitments. Cleaning is no longer done in the common areas, the craftsmen no longer come no longer able to carry out work and our insurance no longer works in the event of a problem. If a crack appears on a building that we no longer maintain, this could cause serious financial damage for our clients,” she imagines.

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INFO LA DEPECHE. Pyramid system in Toulouse: real estate heavyweights in turmoil

Claire and her colleagues hope to get help from the courts. “From Tuesday, we will work in an empty room. The situation is urgent,” she declares.

Solicited by email and SMS, Jean-Claude Vergnes did not respond to our requests…

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INFO LA DEPECHE. Real estate scandal in Toulouse: the investigation into the pyramid scheme is progressing


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