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For Germany, electric cars are not yet the future

Electric car news

Imagine a sea of ​​brand-new electric cars, waiting for potential buyers to find a place for them in their garage. This is the scene in Germany where an impressive number of these modern vehicles are parked without a taker. But why such a phenomenon in a country at the forefront of the automobile industry?

A surprising saturation of the German market

Germany is recognized worldwide for its automotive expertise. However, the country faces a paradoxical situation: almost 100,000 electric cars are currently accumulatedresult of a supply far exceeding demand. From Gigafactory parking lots in Shanghai to local dealerships in Germany, these vehicles remain unsold.

  • High production : Manufacturers, including the famous American brand Tesla, increased their production to meet anticipated demand which, unfortunately, did not follow.
  • End of aid : The removal of financial aid in Germany and other similar policies in Europe have caused domestic demand to fall faster than expected.

The challenges of switching to all-electric

The ambition to transition to exclusively electric vehicles is laudable but concerns remain numerous, as well as being faced with prejudices which delay its mass adoption :

  • Battery life : One of the main concerns is the limited range of these vehicles on a single charge, focusing only on the maximum range and not the range needed to make the trips we need.
  • Charging infrastructure : The feeling of a lack of accessible charging stations remains a major obstacle for many consumers, while the charging network is now very dense, and continues to develop
  • High costs : According to various surveys, the purchase price of electric cars remains prohibitive for a large part of the population, while many affordable models are arriving on the market while some, like MG and Tesla, have prices completely equivalent to thermal vehicles of a similar range.

What solutions to stimulate demand?

Faced with this massive storage, the solution seems to take shape around a significant price reduction. Experts suggest only a sharp drop in tariffs could revitalize consumer interest for these innovative models. Some brands have already started this approach:

  • Promotions and discounts : Various manufacturers, from Chinese giants such as BYD to European brands like Renault, have started to offer more attractive prices to sell off their stock.
  • Adaptation of sales strategies : In addition to discounts, efforts are being made to review marketing strategies and better align supply with actual demand.

THE electric automobiles undoubtedly represent the future of mobility. To best navigate this critical juncture, consumers and manufacturers must work together to overcome existing challenges. Optimizing affordability and supporting infrastructure can truly accelerate the transition to a greener era. Certain current challenges may be evidence of the adjustments necessary for the electric market to reach its full maturity.

In short, if you are still hesitant about going electric, the current situation could well turn to your advantage with proposals more attractive than ever. A careful look at developments in the coming months might surprise you: between technological advances and competitive discounts, electric has never been so tempting.

Written by Albert Lecoq

Specialist in electric car buying guides, I am passionate about new technologies and am a strong supporter of the adoption of electric technology and sustainable mobility.

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