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If you want to save money on vacation, avoid these five destinations!

With inflation, the purchasing power of the French is at half mast, despite everything, they do not want to draw a line under their vacations.

The choice of destination has a huge impact on the leisure budget, it is important to choose wisely.

For a day and night in a hotel, New York City is the most expensive destination.

With the summer holidays just a few weeks away, perhaps you have not yet organized your trip or chosen the ideal destination. And obviously, budget-wise, it won’t be the same if you decide to go for a few days in the world’s major tourist cities or in the French countryside. What are the most expensive foreign destinations for just one day and one night? In collaboration with the travel agency Rustic Pathways, the British business newspaper MoneyWeek studied and published them based on the price of a hotel night, the price of local transport, local food and activities to do .

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New York in first position, followed by… Paris

Unsurprisingly, the most expensive foreign city to go on vacation to is New York, with an average of 645 euros per person for just one night! If the “Big Apple” comes to first place in the ranking, it is largely because of its monuments such as the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building, and its must-see places like Times Square and Central Park. Visiting these various monuments costs nearly 169 euros, according to the travel agency. Allow 47 euros to eat for a whole day, 45 euros for New York public transport and around 328 euros per night.

If these prices seem crazy to you, the French capital is, unfortunately, not very far away. Indeed, Paris is the second most expensive city in the world. For a day and a night, you will have to pay around… 522 euros. In detail, count on around 307 euros per night in a hotel on average, 22 euros for public transport, 42 euros for food and 79 euros for visiting the various monuments and essential activities such as museums, boats. fly, etc.

A second European capital in the top five

A very popular destination in recent years, Dubai is in third position in the ranking with approximately 436 euros to spend for a day and night trip. If the cost of the night is higher than that of Paris (319 euros on average), the first city in the United Arab Emirates can boast of having very inexpensive public transport (12 euros), as can the price of multiples activities to do on site (18 euros).

In fourth place comes the British capital, London. To spend a day and night in the city of Big Ben, you will need to spend 432 euros on average, for 291 euros for a hotel, 30 euros for the metro, 38 euros for activities and 40 euros for food. And it is another European capital which closes this ranking of the most expensive cities in the world for one night. In fact, to spend a day and a night in Rome, you will have to pay on average 359 euros. In detail, count on 180 euros per night, 22 euros for transport, 48 euros for food and 37 euros for local activities.



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