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Pensions, energy prices… is the RN’s economic program viable for public finances?

A leap into the unknown“: the coming to power of the National Rally (RN), in the event of victory in the legislative elections, would plunge France into great uncertainty, its economic program in doubt.”blurry“threatening a serious derailment of already bloodless public finances, estimate several experts. A sign of the fears aroused by the decision of President Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the National Assembly, the Paris Stock Exchange was dragged into the red after this surprise announcement, and the French government borrowing rates have increased, increasing the cost of the country’s debt.

While the far-right party places economic patriotism and the purchasing power of the French at the heart of its program, “on multiple essential economic policy subjects, the RN’s position lacks clarity“, with measurements”both blurry and changing“, notes Sylvain Bersinger, economist at Asterès, in a note.

Thus, although critical of the increase in public debt, which currently exceeds 3,000 billion euros (around 110% of GDP), the RN plans numerous expenses, far from being offset by additional revenue. La Provence takes stock of the main economic measures carried by the RN for the 2022 presidential election and the last European elections and their cost for public finances.


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