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Montpellier: Majeeste, or the story of a royal success


Gil Martin

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June 11, 2024 at 8:09 a.m.

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Majestycreated by the Montpellier Samir Marouaniis a sports clothing brand independent “officially” launched in 2019 with an installation in Saint-Jean-de-Védas, where it still has offices, a manufacturing workshop and a showroom of 150m2.

Diploma from a Parisian business schoolSamir Marouani, who always cherished the dream of creating his sports clothing brand (“As a child, I imagined my name instead of Nike,” he laughs) was able to find his way “after many years from job to job” in catering, construction, security…

The struggles, the click and the flight

“I also worked at the Postal Bank then they fired me,” he says fatalistically: “It had a positive effect: that’s when I said to myself enough hesitationyou want to create your brand, go ahead. Everything was ready in my head since 2001.” In fact, with his two partners he met at business school, Samir has been designing clothes for almost two decades, but in the early 2000s, the beginnings were very difficult in textiles. ” At that time, Internet stammersthere is no training to help project leaders get started in textiles, and financiers do not rush to the gate for this type of activity. It’s simple : there is nothing », remembers the Montpellier leader.

“In 2020, a few months after our installation, confinement paralyzed the economy. At that moment, we were done”

Samir MarouaniFounder of Majeeste

But in 2011, the world has become more global and Samir finds a distant supplierbut able to meet demand. In 2012, the first clothes appear on the Internet and Majestee begins to make a name for herself. The launch of marketing is difficult but the Montpellier brand, launched in equityhold on and progresses sufficientlyt to structure itself and settle in 2019 in its premises in Saint Jean de Védas.

A team of designers designs the Majeeste models, part of the production of which today is carried out in Saint Jean de Védas. (©Majeeste)

Develop “Made in France” here

Samir created the company Ween Korp which operates the Majestee brand. A team of designers (there are 3 today) designs the models and some of which, today, are produced on site: “We have a range stamped Made in France », proudly announces the manager: “I would like to produce everything here but that is impossible at the moment”, explains the who almost lost everything in… 2019: “A few months after our installation, the confinementyou paralyzed the economy. At that moment, we were done,” he says.

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His two partners will leave, tired, but Samir wants to stay to fight and the company will be saved unexpectedly : “The State was looking for companies capable of produce fabric masks : we were selected, we obtained the AFNOR label and we produced masks, purchased for example by communities, such as the town halls of Saint de Védas and Pérols, and by pharmacies… I regularly went to buy the fabric in specialized stores Near Arenas “.

“We are making good sales via the internet and we are also trying to gain a foothold in the distribution networks: we are starting to integrate the Intersport shelves”

Samir Marouani

Then the return to normal triggered a new craze for sport from the fall of 2020, which has not changed since and from which the two entities with similar activities, Ween Korp and Majestee, have benefited. “Today, the company is based on an economic model composed of a branch for professionalsWeen Korp, and of a general public branchMajesty.

In addition to the Internet, Majeeste is expanding its sales channels by trying to gain a foothold in distribution networks with, already, a presence on the Intersport shelves. (©Majeeste)

The first brand, specialized in sublimation, a technique allowing all types of visuals to be reproduced without color limits on white clothing, provides equipment (tracksuit, t-shirt, shorts, etc.) on demand for businesses, clubs or communities. Meanwhile, Majestee addresses to individualsteam sports enthusiasts, with a range of sports clothing drawn in Saint John of Vedas and the possibility of ordering on the Internet.

Towards a 7-figure turnover

The Majestee line is distinguished by the quality of productionvery neat, and by a elegant design. The biggest mark of recognition for Samir: being chosen as official supplier of the Monaco Grand Prix. “I am very proud of our progress because Majestee is now a referenced national brand,” relishes Samir, who is targeting a 7-figure turnover for 2024: “We are achieving great sales via the internet and we are also trying to gain a foothold in distribution networks : we are starting to integrate the rays of Intersport “.

” But beware, nothing is acquired », tempers the manager whose various professional experiences, more or less happy, have taught him patience and wisdom. Nevertheless: the Montpellier entrepreneur see far : “We launched the development of Ween Korp with a first opening of agency in Bordeaux, and we are going to do the same in Paris, Nice, Monaco, Toulouse, Toulon, Corsica, each time with the desire to offer a showroom.” Samir believes in his economic model to establish himself in the universe Corporate clothing, a development which will leverage that of the Majestee brand.

Meeting with Emmanuel Macron during the Africa-France summit in Montpellier and a Majeeste gift designed in Montpellier. (©dr)

“When I look back on my career, I tell myself that in the early 2000s, we were visionaries”

Samir Marouani

The company, which also established in Africaand particularly in Senegal, has just launched on the Moroccan market. Majeeste, in search of an international presence, intends to take advantage of Paris Olympics to make yourself known a little more. The Franco-Montpellier brand should equip the entire delegation of an African country ! Samir cannot say more: “I will announce which country it is when everything is signed. In this business, very big brands would not hesitate to outdo one another so that we cannot be present at the Olympics.”

While waiting for the future announcement, Samir confides a small regret: “When I look back on my journey, I say to myself that at the beginning of the 2000swe were visionaries... We had the right economic model which is proving itself today: we are the only ones in France to make both corporate sports equipment, for KFC, Bouygues, or even the MHSC, THE MHB and the MHR for merchandising and their stores, and consumer sportswear. But textiles have not been valued in France. On the contrary, it was abandoned while the French know-how is well-known “.

Proud and ready for the Paris Olympics

The founder of Majeeste is today a peaceful man, very busy, but proud : “I am indeed very proud of not having given up in 2019-2020 when we did not give dearly of our skin… Today, we are standing, motivated, and we continue.” The giants of sport have been warned: Samir Marouani still has the flame, more Olympic than ever!

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