DayFR Euro

what condition to receive this free bonus from Fortuneo?

Traditional banks have something to worry about. Fortuneo continues its crazy growth in its segment with a comprehensive and inexpensive banking offering. You can reduce your banking costs by 220 euros per year with it, without having to make any concessions. In addition, it also offers you 220 euros welcome bonus if you open an account between June 10 and 24.

The code FTN0624 allows you to activate this boosted bonus here:

I open a free account

If you go to the classic home page of the Fortuneo site yourself, you will see the bank’s two cards: Gold or Fosfo. The first will allow you by default to receive 80 euros of welcome bonus while the second does not allow you to have a bonus. It’s different if you go through the page dedicated to the operation detailed above: you will have a 220 euro premium for the Gold and 140 euros for the Fosfo.

No other bank (and/or online bank) has revealed such a generous bonus for opening an account. Fortuneo is, however, not short of customers or financial strength since it belongs to the Crédit Mutuel Arkéa group. You therefore have a serious actor who allows you to relieve your finances – both with the short-term welcome bonus and the savings on bank fees in the long term.

Gold Mastercard free

Black Card available

Abroad: 100% free

Excellent booklet

Current account

Terms :

Annual fees: €0 • Initial deposit: €300

Check deposit: ✔ • Cash deposit: ✘

Bank card

Monthly cost of the card: €0

Euro zone withdrawals: Free • Euro zone payments: Free

Withdrawals in foreign currencies: Free • Payments in foreign currencies: Free

Suggested cards

Mobile payment



Receive the full bonus

Unlike many banks which place very restrictive conditions on all premiums, Fortuneo plays the simplicity card. First, you will receive 150 euros to open an account by choosing the Gold card, or 70 euros for the Fosfo card. Both are free, provided you use them at least once a month. Note that the bonus requires proof of an income of €1,800/month – which is not the case with Fosfo.

Then, Fortuneo gives you an additional 70 euros if you use its banking mobility service. This means that you must transfer at least one transfer or recurring direct debit (such as electricity, telecom, etc.) to her. Of course, this may seem restrictive but it is up to each person to decide whether they want to do it or not: at worst, you will not receive these 70 euros. The 150 euros linked to the Gold card are already twice as high as the default premium, so you should jump on this opportunity.

Fortuneo never forces you to do too much: you are always free to do what you want. Some will make it their primary bank, others will just want to have it as a secondary bank. After all, it’s free: so you don’t need to make a short-term decision. You can very well test its service and judge afterwards.

To find out more, it’s here:

I open a free account


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