Prepare for massive attacks after data thefts at Boulanger, Cultura and Truffaut
DayFR Euro

Prepare for massive attacks after data thefts at Boulanger, Cultura and Truffaut

serial hacking – Boulanger, Cultura, Truffaut, but also Grosbill, have just had millions of customer data hacked and will soon be targeted in turn

Horror404x/horrormar44. This is the name of the cyberhacker who claimed responsibility, completely uninhibited, for the massive data hacks that have just taken place at Boulanger, Cultura, Truffaut and now Grobill. 20 Minutes reminds you of the facts… and warns you of their consequences.

Millions of customer records compromised

On the night of September 6 to 7, 2024, the cultural products chain Cultura had the data of 2.6 million customers hacked: name, first name, address mailpostal address, date of birth, telephone number and details of products purchased. Password data “is not compromised,” reassures Cultura on Tuesday 10.

Still on the night of the 6th to the 7th, the tech and household appliance specialist Boulanger also suffered a full-scale robbery by Horror404x/horrormar44, this time with 27 million accounts taken over. Bingo! And now the gardening chain Truffaut is also being siphoned off “personal data relating to orders placed on”: name, first name, address maildelivery address. Here again, the banking data of 277,000 accounts concerned have not, or would not have been, stolen. Whose turn is it?

Grosbill, the specialist (…) - 20minutes

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Cyberattack: Truffaut also victim of customer data theft
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