Four months after his escape, a thick mystery still surrounds his escape
DayFR Euro

Four months after his escape, a thick mystery still surrounds his escape

ON THE RUN – Since the attack on a prison convoy on May 14, Mohamed Amra and his accomplices have eluded investigators. And this, despite the significant resources deployed

“I am confident that we will find him, the question is when…” sighs a source close to the case. Four months after his escape, Mohamed Amra remains untraceable. On May 14, around 11 a.m., the prison convoy that was bringing this repeat offender back from the Rouen judicial court to his cell in Evreux, in Eure, was the target of an ambush. Two minutes of unheard-of violence. Two officers died under a deluge of fire, three others were injured. As quickly as they appeared at the Incarville toll barrier, the attackers disappeared into thin air, accompanied by the prisoner.

The initial optimism of a quick arrest has been replaced by the desire to arrest them within a “reasonable time frame”. On Wednesday, speaking on RTL, the Paris public prosecutor, Laure Beccuau, recalled the “extreme mobilization” of all the players in the criminal justice system in this case. Up to 350 investigators were mobilized. There are now around fifty dedicated to this extremely sensitive case, closely followed in the highest echelons of the State. Because while it is sometimes a question of luck in the hunts – like this time when the (…) - 20minutes


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