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The PS wants to make Sandoz a public supplier of medicines

Gathered at a congress this weekend in Davos, the delegates of the Socialist Party had an idea to fight against the drug crisis and the excessive profits of the pharmaceutical industry to the detriment of health care: that the public authorities transform the company Sandoz into a public utility company. “Sandoz could thus become the backbone of a supply of public utility medicines throughout the world and thus guarantee the security of supply of this material.”

“In European comparison, the cost of medicines in Switzerland is far too high, particularly because of the margins that allow the pharmaceutical industry to get rich,” said PS Switzerland co-president Mattea Meyer (ZH), according to the press release of October 27. If drug research and development were focused on social utility rather than the financial profits of the pharmaceutical industry, the world would be better off, according to socialists.

As of Friday, Sandoz had a market capitalization of 16.5 billion francs., recalls Which specifies that the PS already knows how to buy the Basel giant: an interest-free loan from the Swiss National Bank. It remains to make the other parties swallow the pill. And in Sandoz.



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