DayFR Euro

The Airbus truck, a Greenpeace banner facing TotalEnergies, images from the Euclid telescope… The 5 images of the week

Airbus rolls truck to develop aircraft automation

Airbus unveils, at the VivaTech show, the truck responsible for developing its future automated aircraft taxiing system on tarmacs. Called Optimate, the solution is based on an electric truck equipped with the controls of an A350 cockpit, to which are added automation technologies. Objective of the project: decongest the largest airports. Including an element of artificial intelligence, the solution aims to facilitate collaboration between pilots, airlines and control authorities.

A Greenpeace banner deployed before the TotalEnergies AGM

Greenpeace activists deployed, on a building a few hundred meters from the headquarters of the TotalEnergies group, a banner showing Patrick Pouyanné, its CEO, denouncing “the leader of the most polluting French company”. The NGO’s action took place a few hours before the general meeting of the oil company, during which shareholders spoke on the subjects of climate and the reappointment of Patrick Pouyanné. The company explains that it chose its tower located in La Défense in order to avoid “immobilizing a district of Paris”, as during the tumultuous edition of 2023.

Thales Alenia Space to provide transport service to the ISS

The Franco-Italian group Thales Alenia Space and the Franco-German start-up The Exploration Company have won the European Space Agency (ESA) tender, aimed at providing a pressurized cargo transport service to and from the international space station (ISS). In total, the agency received seven offers. Europe hopes to transfer between 12 and 15 tonnes of cargo to the ISS every three years via this service. This should start from 2028. Thales Alenia Space has reportedly signed a first contractual tranche of 25 million euros with the ESA.

Jean-Marc Chéry reappointed for 3 years as head of STMicroelectronics

The General Meeting of Shareholders of electronic chip manufacturer STMicroelectronics reappointed Jean-Marc Chéry as Chairman and CEO for a third three-year term. Turnover jumped from $9.7 billion in 2018 to $17.3 billion in 2023 under the French boss’s mandate. The reappointment of Jean-Marc Chéry aims to give him time to complete his strategic plan, which targets a turnover of more than $20 billion between 2025 and 2026.

ESA shares five new images of the universe taken by its Euclid telescope

The European Space Agency (ESA) has released five “unprecedented” new images of the universe from its Euclid space telescope. The images obtained would be at least four times sharper than those from ground telescopes, according to the agency. These images come less than a year after the launch of the space telescope. Lasting six years, the mission must unravel the mysteries of dark matter and energy, which make up 95% of the universe, thanks to its ability to map two billion galaxies in three dimensions.

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