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At Vivatech, Elon Musk accuses Google, OpenAI and Microsoft of “lying” about AI

© SP/Tesla

– Regarding generative AI, Elon Musk estimated that they “do not necessarily seek the truth”.

He is back ! Thursday May 23, Elon Musk made a appearance noticed at the show VivaTech, which is currently taking place at the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, in Paris. The boss of Tesla and SpaceX, however, did not make an appearance in the flesh. He appeared by videoconference and answered questions from Maurice Lévy, the founder of the event, for about an hour. And the billionaire didn’t minced his words concerning, in particular, artificial intelligence. The least we can say is that Elon Musk is not the most optimistic on this subject, report The echoes.

Concerning generative AI, for example, he estimated that they do not seek “not necessarily the truth» : “It is important that AI is trained to be honest and not to be politically correct. Political correctness is often just plain wrong, and that means you’re programming the AI ​​to lie, and I think that’s going to go wrong.”, he defended. At the same time, he attacked Google’s AI, Geminiwhich had mistakenly generated images of Nazi soldiers or George Washington with black skin.

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The proof, in his eyes, that the GAFAM “lie”. For him, the algorithms of GoogleofOpenAI and Microsoft, were even “trained to lie”, he assures. He took the opportunity to defend his jewel, Grokthe robot from xAI, its artificial intelligence start-up. “The truth, the truth, the truth”, this is what its goal would be, according to its creator. However, he admitted that his company has “estill late to catch up before our AI is as competitive as that of Google-Deepmind or OpenAI-Microsoft”.

“But by then end of the yearwe will be at the same level. And at that point, we can worry about aspects related to the security», he assumed. However, he predicted a difficult long-term future. According to him, all jobs, except those that humans will do “out of passion”will disappear because “AI and robots will provide all products and services that we will need”.


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