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who are the greatest fortunes in the South-West?

Dor almost thirty years, the economic magazine “Challenges” has published its ranking of the wealthiest French people, whether they live in or abroad. This work, which is a reference, is the source of the classification that we have carried out for our region. The 2024 edition includes 500 fortunes, sometimes acquired in their own name, sometimes in a family context. This 2024 version goes from Bernard Arnault (190 billion fortune), in first place, to Morgane Sézalory (245 million), founder of the fashion brand Sézane (500e).

Note that the rich are always richer: in ten years, the cumulative fortune of the 500 has tripled, to reach almost 1,200 billion euros. For comparison, it is more than a third of our gross domestic product (GDP), that is to say all the wealth produced throughout the country.

On the top thirty fortunes in the region, zoom in on ten notable personalities.

Bernard Arnault: luxury on every level

Bernard Arnault.


Who doesn’t know Bernard Arnault, the richest man in France and sometimes even in the world, depending on the fluctuations in stock market prices? His LVMH group is a leader in luxury (Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, Givenchy). In the South-West, the entrepreneur is known for his wines and spirits. Hennessy is the undisputed number 1 in cognac and its last appearance in the Charente vineyards dates back to 2017, for the inauguration of a new factory.

In , two large castles are part of its heritage: Yquem (Sauternes) and Cheval Blanc (Saint-Émilion), the latter in association with a Belgian shareholder. Bernard Arnault came to Yquem in May 2019 for a dinner organized by the Crus Classés 1855. In 2005, his daughter Delphine got married in Bazas, with a party in Yquem.

LVMH is also the leader in champagne (Moët et Chandon, Krug, Veuve Cliquot).

Pierre Castel: with the strength of the wrist

Pierre Castel. His succession is a taboo subject.

Claude Petit/SO

This October 17, Pierre Castel (11e in the ranking) celebrated his 98th birthday, surely in his house in Geneva (Switzerland). Son of Spanish immigrants, born in Blayais (33) into a large family, he embodies one of the great successes of the economic world. Starting from nothing, his group weighs 14 billion euros, or, for comparison, three times the annual turnover of the entire vineyard. Its activities are in wine, with multiple trading houses – in Gironde and elsewhere – and dozens of châteaux, including Beychevelle (in association with the Japanese Santory). Beer in Africa is his other business.

The patriarch heads a group where secrecy becomes a cult and where succession is a taboo subject. Many family members work in the different companies. In recent years, Pierre Castel has had trouble with the law and he has attracted the wrath of the Bordeaux wine industry for having taken legal action against trade unionists who came to protest in front of his Blanquefort facilities, causing damage.

François Perrodo: Margaux’s house

François Perrodo


The Perrodo family likes to meet up in Margaux, for end-of-year celebrations and vacations, but always in complete discretion. François Perrodo, 47, runs Perenco, a prosperous oil and gas group (8,000 employees) founded by his father Hubert more than forty years ago. The latter, of Breton origin and died of a mountain accident in 2006, bought his first castle in Margaux in 1989 (Labégorce). Since then, others have followed (Marquis d’Alesme, Tour de Mons) and the 15e the wealthiest French family has established itself as a major player in the Médoc appellation. Nathalie, François’ sister, manages the properties. Motor racing lovers can see this young boss on the circuits: he has a passion for driving. Their mother being from Singapore, there are references to Asian culture in the castles, for example a stylized dragon in the cellar of Marquis d’Alesme.

Martin Bouygues: attachment to Montrose

Martin Bouygues

Stéphane Lartigue

We no longer need to introduce the Bouygues family, which made its fortune in construction, audiovisual and telephony. Activities that we note, of course, in our region. But Martin Bouygues (33e in the national classification) holds a special property there: Château Montrose, one of the pearls of the AOC Saint-Estèphe, located on the edge of the estuary. Another pearl of the town is the Cos d’Estournel castle, belonging to Michel Reybier (58e).

The purchase of Montrose dates back to 2006 and since then, everything has been redone. The barrel cellar is spectacular and the estate is known for being at the forefront of technical innovations. His wife Mélissa and his daughter Charlotte are involved in this adventure which the businessman follows closely by coming regularly to the site, most often by helicopter. The attachment to the place is intimate since in May 2002, his son Edward was married in Saint-Estèphe. The Bouygues family also owns Château Tronquoy-Lalande, in the same town.

Patrice Pichet: real estate, his know-how

Patrice Pichet.

Fabien Cottereau

Starting from nothing, Bordeaux Patrice Pichet, 64 years old (78e in the ranking), has become one of the great real estate professionals in France. With his brother Benoît, he built a group present in most stone trades: promotion, property administration, hotel operation, asset management. He made headlines by delivering a vast real estate complex, near , for the Olympic Games.

Passionate about sport in general and football in particular, he divides his time between the capital and his home in Cap Ferret. Like the majority of big local bosses, he has his own wine estate: Les Carmes Haut-Brion. Acquired in 2010, it is the only castle which has its postal address in Bordeaux itself (20 rue des Carmes). The superb place is very open to visitors. The Pichet group has also just opened a luxury hotel – Mondrian Bordeaux les Carmes – in the Chartrons district.

Bernard Magrez: the man who was worth a billion

Bernard Magrez.

Guillaume Bonnaud

In his Château Pape Clément, on the outskirts of Bordeaux, Bernard Magrez (121e) had photos hung on the walls showing his first business in importing port – in the 1960s – specifying the little income he made from it. Since then, and it is a source of great pride for him, business has prospered and this 88-year-old self-taught, tireless worker, is worth more than a billion euros. With extensive trading activity, four classified growths in Gironde and wine assets (cellars, vines, brands) in numerous countries. Always remaining discreet about its turnover, it multiplies innovations, both on a technical and commercial level. Father of two children – Philippe, who works in the group’s sales department, and Cécile – he is looking for a financial partner to develop his activities and prepare for the future.

Bernard Magrez, sincere lover of our South-West region and very demanding boss, always said that Pierre Castel, for whom he has great admiration, was his only true friend.

Philippe Sereys de Rothschild: the Médoc at the heart

Philippe Sereys de Rothschild

Thierry DAVID / S O

Mouton Rothschild, classified 1855 in AOC Pauillac, has belonged to his family since 1853. Suffice it to say that Philippe Sereys de Rothschild (148th in the national ranking) feels at home in the Médoc. Like a local child. With his brother Julien and his sister Camille, they are at the head of a wine group among the most powerful in Bordeaux, with a trading activity and numerous estates (200 ha of vines in Pauillac). Business is also conducted abroad (California, South America).

Philippe Sereys de Rothschild is involved in cultural life in Bordeaux (Clerc-Milon dance prize) and his brand Mouton Cadet occupies the largest pavilion every year at the Wine Festival which is held on the banks of the Garonne.

Two other branches of the Rothschilds are present in Bordeaux. That of Eric de Rothschild, at Lafite Rothschild – his daughter Saskia is at the head of the estate – and that of the banker Ariane de Rothschild (Château Clarke and Château des Laurets). Both are, obviously, in the ranking (respectively 104e et 26e fortunes at the national level).

Philippe Ginestet: fortune at low prices

Philippe Ginestet

Loïc Déquier/SO

It is by selling items at very low prices, sometimes a few euros, that Lot-et-Garonnais Philippe Ginestet made a fortune which today places him at 141e national rank. Also starting from nothing, he had the good idea to create Gifi more than forty years ago. A non-food discount brand which, before the others, opened on Sundays and sourced its supplies from China. Today there are hundreds of stores across the country. Faced with increased competition – with the Action brand in particular – Gifi, a contraction of Gi (Ginestet) and Fi (for Philippe), faced financial difficulties. While remaining in this same “bazaar” business, Philippe Ginestet purchased the famous Tati stores in 2017. A brand that has now disappeared. The businessman also made himself known in his department by opening a 4-star hotel (Stelsia) with facades painted in all colors. Very original.

Jean-François and Jean Moueix: Pétrus, the pearl of Pomerol

Jean Moueix.

Stéphane Klein/ SO

At 78 years old, and even if he has taken a step back, Jean-François Moueix (207e) is one of the most influential men in the Bordeaux vineyard. His word is heard. His father Jean-Pierre, who came from Corrèze almost a century ago, had successfully invested in Pomerol. Today, Jean-François and his son Jean (38 years old) are at the head of Pétrus. Eleven hectares of vines worth gold. To everyone’s surprise, they sold 20% of the capital in 2018 to an American-Colombian businessman. The family owns a winery specializing in fine wines (Duclot) and stores in Paris and Bordeaux (L’Intendant, Badie).

Jean Moueix is ​​also developing an activity in spirits. Christian, the brother of Jean-François, also appears – with his son Édouard – in the ranking (391e place). A trading house in and several castles belong to them. In Saint-Émilion, Belair-Monange, which has just acquired a new winery, seems the most emblematic.

Michel Ohayon: a group in turmoil

Michel Ohayon

Thierry David / SOUTH WEST

Michel Ohayon, 63 years old, born in Casablanca and arrived in Gironde young, does not like to take the light. However, in recent years, the one who made his fortune in commercial real estate (330e French fortune, 200 places lost in five years) is making headlines, and not for good news. His group, in debt, is faltering. The man increased the acquisitions, but also the appearances in court, arousing the anger of the employees. Let us cite the setbacks of the Go Sport, Camaïeu, Galeries Lafayette and other stores.

The latest news concerns a luxury hotel project on Place Gambetta, in the heart of Bordeaux. The town hall is reluctant and talks are underway. Michel Ohayon already owns the Grand Hôtel de Bordeaux, a palace with a starred restaurant. He is also a winegrower in Saint-Émilion with Château Trianon. The work announced for years, with luxury rooms, is still pending.


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