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Taxes: the Minister of Housing favors the exemption of donations for the purchase of a new property

This Monday begins the examination of the budget in session at the National Assembly. On the housing side, professionals are crossing their fingers that parliamentarians will come up with ideas to get new housing out of the crisis. “The market is slowly starting to recover, notably thanks to the drop in mortgage rates rejoices Loïc Vandromme, general director of Hexaom, both a house builder, developer and now renovator. The demand is there but it needs support.» The aid will not come from the Pinel tax exemption scheme which will not be extended after December 31, 2024.

On the other hand, households could count on a tax boost: tax exemption for donations and/or inheritance taxes, as part of the purchase of new housing. The Minister of Housing is in favor. It remains to be seen what parliamentarians will think of it during the debates. “The minister will respect their choice», affirms Figaro the entourage of Valérie Létard. According to our information, Gabriel Attal, leader of the Macronists in the National Assembly, supports this idea put in place by the Balladur government in the years 93 and 94 and defended today by François Jolivet, Horizons d’Indre deputy. But also by LR and RN deputies. And by the Federation of Real Estate Developers. Before being examined by the deputies in session, the proposal was adopted by the Finance Committee of the National Assembly.

PTZ expanded everywhere in the new?

Concretely, the MP proposes to exempt from taxes donations to descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.) provided that this sum is used to buy new housing, within 12 months from the date of entry into force of the measure planned for January 1, 2025. And this, up to a maximum of 150,000 euros (compared to 100,000 euros currently) per donee. Under three conditions: the accommodation concerned must be the main residence of the donee, must be occupied by its owner, his beneficiaries (spouse or children) or by a tenant; finally, rent ceilings, in the case of rental which will be equivalent to those for the Pinel system, must be respected.

Other good news that the Minister of Housing also supports: the return of the Zero Interest Loan (PTZ) for new housing. Currently, the PTZ is only available for the purchase of old or new apartments, but only in tense areas (where demand is greater than supply). This Saturday, MP Jolivet, who also defends this measure, announced that his proposal was adopted in committee. On October 1, Prime Minister Michel Barnier said he was in favor of its extension “for first-time buyers (who are buying a home for the first time, Editor’s note) throughout the territory», during his general policy speech. In 2024, only 40,000 PTZs (compared to 74,000 in 2021) should have been granted. Expanding this system everywhere in new buildings should make it possible to accommodate around 15,000 more households in 2025, according to the Minister of Housing, cited in The Parisian . And bring nearly 600 million euros in VAT into the state coffers.


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