DayFR Euro

Basel III, EFAS, Flowbank: the three keywords of the week

1. Switzerland penalizes its financial center with Basel III standards

Basel III banking regulation is entering its home stretch in Switzerland, with the planned implementation of the final package on 1is January. The Federal Council confirmed it at the end of June but the situation is now no longer the same.

2. Four assertions by EFAS opponents that do not stand up to examination of the facts

Four letters to summarize fourteen years of negotiations which led to the EFAS reform, its acronym in German. The text plans to finance outpatient and inpatient care in the same way. It thus puts an end to the current system which encourages the use of stationary equipment, although it generates unnecessary costs. The health insurance companies, the hospital umbrella and that of doctors support this reform.

On April 18, the Public Services Union, supported by its parent organization the Swiss Trade Union Union, filed a referendum. L’Agefi examines their four main arguments.

3. Clients of Flowbank, declared bankrupt this summer by Finma, can now sell their securities

Don’t wait any longer for a transfer operation that could take weeks or even months. Sell ​​your securities to recover liquidity more quickly: this, in short, is the message that the law firm Walder Wyss is trying to communicate to Flowbank clients. The liquidation of the Geneva establishment, which went bankrupt in mid-June, continues and the study in charge of the procedure opened an online portal on Monday from which they can sell shares and bonds. Once the positions are completely sold, the cash amount is then returned. It turns out that not all customers were notified, however, according to messages exchanged in the Flowbank Recovery Syndicate group, on the Telegram application.



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