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this surprise regarding your 2025 property tax

The property tax, a local tax financing the budget of local authorities including municipalities, must be paid no later than October 20. It concerns the owners and usufructuary of real estate as of January 1, 2024. The property tax notice, sent to each taxpayer, details the amount due, the calculation and the payment terms. After this deadline, late payment penalties may apply. For 2025, a surprise awaits the owners…

And at property tax will increase, it will be at a level “ much less important than in 2023 and 2024“. Provisional data from INSEE revealed that “consumer prices increased by only 1.2% in September.”

There is a good chance “that the harmonized consumer price index (HICP) calms down in November”. You should know that it is “the HICP for the eleventh month of the year which is each time taken into account in the revaluation of rental values,” and consequently, of the tax base used to determine the calculation of the property tax.

Real estate taxes: this surprise concerning your 2025 property tax

The downward trend in the HICP in September is rather encouraging. Taxpayers can expect a smaller increase in their property tax in 2025, given the slowdown in inflation observed recently.

The reference index allowing “ know the legal increase in the bases for calculating property taxes in 2025 » will only be known from mid-December.

« The HICP should be around 2% in November”, according to economist Philippe Crevel, director of the Cercle de l’épargne. In other words, this means that the property tax could increase by 2% in 2025, or almost half as much as in 2024.

“An atypical September”

According to MoneyVox, the November HICP could be around 1.5% given that “the provisional estimate of the HICP for the month of September is 1.5%”. It is difficult to rely on these figures given that they could start to rise again by the end of the year.

“The month of September was atypical because it was marked by the fall in public transport prices after the Olympic Games and the sharp drop in energy prices. But they started to rise again following events in the Middle East », explains Philippe Crevel. One thing is certain, it will not be more than 2%.

There is one but…

Good news, yes! But municipalities still need to not raise their own tax rates. In 2024, 16% of them have chosen to do so.


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