DayFR Euro

The one euro meal for all students? LFI MP Louis Boyard launches a petition

One in two students say they have already skipped a meal, according to a new study. A worrying observation for LFI deputy Louis Boyard who submitted a petition this Thursday on the National Assembly website. Its objective: to generalize the one-euro meal in university restaurants, a formula already offered to scholarship students.

“In its annual barometer, the Cop1 association documents student precariousness: nearly one in three students lives on less than 50 euros per month. […] More than 20% of them use food aid and among them, 65% regularly – sometimes even several times a week,” writes the elected representative from Val-de- in his petition, regarding a barometer of Cop1 and Ifop published Thursday.

The former high school trade unionist therefore wants to extend access to one-euro meals in the Crous to all students, an operation which would cost 60 million euros according to him.

A debate if the petition exceeds 500,000 signatories

“The debate that we should have in the National Assembly would be to know whether we open the Crous in the evening”, supports the young 24-year-old MP, wishing to see “the super profits of the food industry be put to use”. “I have testimonies from food associations who tell me that they are forced to leave young people behind because there are so many of them,” he adds.

If the petition exceeds 500,000 signatories, it may be the subject of a debate in the hemicycle. And even without reaching this threshold, the presidency of the Assembly refers the petition to one of the permanent committees of the Palais Bourbon.

Last year, the Socialists failed by one vote to pass in the Assembly a bill aimed at generalizing meals for a maximum of one euro in university catering sites. “We want the students to grab the deputies by the jacket to tell them to vote,” explains Louis Boyard.


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