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Casablanca: the controlled landfill operating market relaunched

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Management of the controlled landfill had been taken over by NDD SAUCE in 2020 for a period of 3 years, renewable from year to year, for each budgetary year. His contract endedwe learn from a source in the municipality, and to ensure the continuity of service at the landfill, a new market has been launched by the SDL The Bathroom House relating to its operation.

The new operating contract will be concluded for a year not exceeding the current budget yearhowever the market will be renewable from year to year for a period of three yearswe read on the documents of this call for tenders. A period during which the commune of Casablanca hopes to finalize the construction of the future landfill and recovery center, which should replace this controlled landfill.

The cost of the services is estimated at 49.56 million DH. The management of leach and the closure of saturated lockers are the main points of this market. The opening of the folds is intended for November 20th next.

Three existing lockers to manage in addition to the planned expansion lockers

The scope of execution of this market includes the following:

– The Casablanca controlled landfill containing:

  • two closed lockers (a first locker of 11 hectares, and a second locker of 9 ha);
  • a third cell composed of two cells of 4 ha each, including a 1st cell closed and a 2nd cell currently in operation;
  • a leachate storage basin of 1.5 ha;
  • a rainwater storage basin;
  • a paved parking lot and access tracks;
  • three weighbridges;
  • an administrative building (R+1);
  • a caretaker’s lodge;
  • a control and weighing room;
  • sanitary facilities and a washing room with store.

– Extension lockers, which will possibly be fitted out by the project owner and made available to the operator.

As shown in the image below, the landfill site is located in the territory of the Mejjatia Ouled Taleb commune in the province of Médiouna. It is accessible via the RR315which passes approximately 600 m from the entrance gate of the landfill.

Nearly 1.3 million tonnes buried per year

The tonnage buried at this landfill during the last two years amounts to almost of 1.27 million tonnes in 2022, compared to 1.3 Mt in 2023.

This tonnage includes household and similar waste, green waste and ordinary industrial waste from industrial units.

This structure receives waste collected in the territory of the municipality of Casablanca as well as neighboring municipalities in the provinces of Médiouana and Nouaceur, namely the municipalities of Médiouna, Mejjatia Ouled Taleb, Sidi Hajjaj Oued Hassar, Tit Mellil, Lahraouiyine, as well as as the municipalities falling under the Al Bayda Intercommunal Cooperation Establishment, notably Dar Bouazza, Ouled Saleh, Ouled Azzouz, Bouskoura, and Nouaceur.

Leachate management, one of the holder’s main commitments

In addition to the usual classic commitments relating to the management of this landfill, the holder of this contract is also required to take into consideration all conditions and constraints existing at the landfill site regarding leachate management. It will thus have to ensure pumping leachate towards any outlet, and make a leachate collection network at the upper levels of the lockers with a connection to the drainage network.

On the aspect of leachate treatment, Nabila Rmilimayor of Casablanca, announced on October 7, during the ordinary session of the city council, that 700 m3 are treated daily in a wastewater treatment plant; which made it possible to resolve the problem of nauseating odors from which local residents suffered.

The holder must also carry out, at the end of operation, work to close all saturated lockers (bins 1, 2 and 3, as well as the extension bins).

The CEV, a project that is falling far behind schedule

Remember that this controlled discharge is temporary. It should be rehabilitated and make way for the future landfill and recovery center, a major project which requires an investment of more than 3 billion DH.

This is an ambitious project which has encountered several blockages, particularly relating to land. The Mejjatia Ouled Taleb commune, which currently hosts the controlled landfill, had refused to welcome again a project related to waste, which had blocked the project for months. The file was unblocked by the new wali upon his arrival.

These blockages delayed the project which was to see the light of day after three years of operation of the landfill controlled by SOS NDD, but it still nothing.

The market relating to the realization of this project is still at the stage of the call for tenders, the opening of the bids of which has been postponed at least twice.

“We have received several requests from several large companies who wish to participate in this market. To exclude none, we therefore decided to postpone the opening of bids until November 19“, explains our source at the town.

Rehabilitation of the wild dump: the progress rate of the work reaches almost 50%

Regarding the former wild dump in Casablanca, Nabila Rmili announced, during the ordinary session of the city council, that the rehabilitation project was in progress. “As promised to the citizens of the Mejjatia Ouled Taleb commune, the wild dump is being rehabilitated to be transformed into a garden. The work is at 50% completion”.

“We have planned a site visit in the coming days to see the progress again. The objective is to remove everything that has been detrimental to the environment for several years.”

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