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Chloé Girardot-Moitié and Julie Laernoes warn about the brake on decarbonization

Chloé Girardot-Moitié, vice-president of the Department of -Atlantique, in charge of the ecological transition and territorial resilience and Julie Laernoes, deputy for the 4th constituency of Loire-Atlantique, both strongly involved in ecological issues, met the press to warn about the slowness of the planned decarbonization and the social damage in the region’s renewable energy companies.

They unanimously criticize the lukewarmness of the government’s decisions to advance the ecological transition and decarbonization.

Social damage in renewable energies

Systovi, a French manufacturer of solar panels, announced on April 17, 2024, the cessation of its activities. At the very time when Bruno Lemaire, then Minister of the Economy, indicated that we must “produce in , by 2030, 40% of the photovoltaic panels that we use. » Created in 2008, the company employed eighty-seven employees and was located in Carquefou.

At Saunier Duval, a third of the employees are in the hot seat. In , one of the largest heat pump manufacturing sites in France, orders are becoming increasingly rare. The decline in construction, but also in the Renovation Bonus, has taken its toll on the dynamism displayed a few years ago. President Macron committed to supporting the sector by counting on: one million heat pumps. Today, at the end of 2024, we are far from the objective set in November 2022, of halving French industrial emissions over the next decade.

Chloé Girardot-Moitié at the microphone of Éléonore Duplay from France 3 . © Alain Moreau.

For Julie Laernoes, MP, while in high places, we are only betting on nuclear power, the current fleet will soon be out of use. And when it comes time to renew it, what do we do?

Ecocombust in Cordemais

The latest information to date which angers the two women is the announced shutdown of the Ecocombust project, in Cordemais. On September 24, 2024, EDF indicated in a press release: As the technical and economic conditions for carrying out the Ecocombust project are not met, EDF plans not to continue the project to convert the Cordemais thermal power station to biomass and confirms its desire to maintain industrial activity on the site.

This Ecocombust conversion project was led by PAPREC with the support of the EDF group. It aimed to manufacture a fuel based on wood waste (pellets) as an alternative to coal.

On this point, the two women do not agree with the regional president, Christelle Morançais, who proposed: among other hypotheses, the establishment of a small nuclear power plant, called “SMR” (Small Modular Reactor).

Front page visual: Chloé Girardot-Moitié and Julie Laernoes during their press conference, Friday October 11, 2024. © Alain Moreau.


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