DayFR Euro

EU steps up pressure on Chinese online sales site Temu

He is in the crosshairs of Brussels. The European Commission on Friday demanded new explanations from the online commerce site Temu, suspected of acting insufficiently against the sale of illegal and potentially dangerous products.

This is the second time that Brussels has sent written questions to this platform of Chinese origin, suspected of not respecting its consumer protection obligations, within the framework of the new European regulation on digital services (DSA).

Illegal products, protection of personal data…

The Commission asked Temu on Friday to explain in particular the measures taken “against the presence and reappearance of traders selling illegal products” on its platform.

She also wants to know the measures adopted to reduce “the risks linked to consumer protection, public health and the well-being of users”.

The European executive, which now plays the role of digital policeman in the EU, is also demanding “details on Temu’s recommendation systems and the risks for the protection of users’ personal data”.

A first step that could lead to the opening of an investigation

Temu must provide this information by October 21. If these requests for information do not yet constitute an indictment, it is a first step which can lead to the opening of a formal investigation, then to heavy financial sanctions in the event of proven violations. The Commission clarified that it will decide on the next steps in the procedure “based on the evaluation of the responses”.

On June 28, Brussels sent initial questions to Temu on the means implemented to enable the reporting of illegal products. Other requests concerned deceptive interfaces (“dark patterns”) which make it possible to manipulate user behavior, the protection of minors, the transparency of product recommendation systems, or even the traceability of sellers on these platforms.

A complaint filed by European associations

European consumer associations filed a complaint against Temu in May, accusing it in particular of using misleading interfaces to encourage users to spend more on the platform.

Temu, which is experiencing meteoric growth in Europe thanks to a strategy of low prices, is the international version of the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut Pinduoduo, born in 2015. It offers a plethora of products: clothing, toys, decoration, tools, high-tech…


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