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Labor crisis | Quebec fires the CEO of the CISSS de la Côte-

(Quebec) Quebec fires the president and CEO of the CISSS de la Côte-, Manon Asselin, for shortcomings in governance. The facility has been mired in a labor crisis since May.

Posted at 4:23 p.m.

The Council of Ministers terminated the employment contract of Manon Asselin as CEO of the CISSS de la Côte-Nord. The news was confirmed Wednesday afternoon after the weekly cabinet meeting.

Gaps in governance are to blame, according to our information.

The deputy CEO of the CISSS, Nathalie Castilloux, will now assume the interim role until the government of Quebec appoints a new CEO, it was indicated in a press release on Wednesday .

The North Shore has been plunged into a labor crisis since the tightening of rules surrounding the use of employment agencies. A directive from the establishment which had put in place a protocol which could have led to the expulsion of a patient if the latter did not agree to be transferred to a CHSLD elsewhere in the territory had caused a stir in may.

If the user decided to stay, he would have to pay accommodation costs, which had been strongly criticized by the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé. Mr. Dubé also traveled to the North Shore in July to learn about the extent of the crisis. Representatives from Santé Québec also visited the region at the end of the summer.

The dismissal of major bosses of health establishments remains uncommon. In April 2021, Quebec dismissed the CEO of the CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest, Yves Masse, whose management was strongly contested. Quebec had also dismissed the CEO of the CISSS de Lanaudière, Daniel Castonguay, from his position, following the death of Joyce Echaquan in 2020.


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