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Restaurateurs oppose the extension of use for the purchase of food products

French restaurateurs, represented by Thierry Marx, president of the Union of Hotel Trades and Industries (Umih), expressed their strong opposition to the potential extension, or even perpetuation in 2025, of the use of meal vouchers. to buy food products in supermarkets.

During a press conference held on Wednesday, Thierry Marx criticized this measure which, according to him, could penalize the catering sector, in particular those which advocate “homemade”. The debates follow information according to which a decision concerning the extension of this system should be taken “in the coming days”.

A major loss for restaurateurs

This mechanism, introduced in 2022, allows holders of meal vouchers to purchase non-consumable food products directly (such as flour, pasta or meat) in supermarkets, which had the initial objective of supporting the power of purchasing in a context of economic crisis.

This possibility had been extended until 2024 by the previous government, and a perpetuation of the system is envisaged as part of a broader reform, which would also include the total dematerialization of securities by 2026. According to figures, the impact on the catering sector is considerable, with a drop of 6.4 points in market share, while supermarkets saw an increase of 8.4 points.

“600 million towards mass distribution”

Thierry Marx deplored this situation, affirming that “for the sake of solidarity, we are going to let meal vouchers go to mass distribution, 600 million euros to mass distribution which does not need our work to make margins “. He also underlined that voucher issuers, such as Edenred, say they are in favor of the idea of ​​a new system: a “sustainable food voucher” which would coexist with the meal voucher. A solution that would reconcile the interests of restaurateurs and consumers.

Edenred, one of the main issuers, reaffirmed to AFP that the group was “not in favor of perpetuating the use of meal vouchers to purchase any food product in supermarkets”. The meal voucher is above all a “social advantage, intended to help you eat well during your working day”. Edenred therefore offers a double daily usage limit, with 30 euros that can be spent in restaurants, and 25 euros in supermarkets.


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