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The Vitale card will be added to Identity, after the identity card and the license

, which has chosen a proprietary application for the dematerialization of identity documents, would now rely on a single approach for the CNI, the driving license and the Vitale card. The deployment of this third function would take place in the first half of 2025.

In testing in a selection of departments since July 2023, the “Carte Vitale” application could quickly lose interest. The government would be banking on the importation of the Vitale card into France Identity, its software already available on iOS and Android for identity cards, driving licenses and several civic functions, such as requesting a remote power of attorney or creating supporting documents. identity.

In an article published on October 8, 2024, Le Parisien reveals that Michel Barnier, the new Prime Minister, would see this dematerialization as a means of securing reimbursements, in order to reduce fraud (the unique identifier of the biometric CNI would be attached to the number Social Security). A virtual Vitale card linked to a virtual identity card would be impossible to forge.

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The Vitale card on smartphones from 2025?

In the first quarter of 2025, the French would have two options for dematerializing their Vitale card:

  • L’application France Identitywhich will allow you to link your Vitale card to your virtual CNI, provided you have the new format CNI.
  • L’application Vitale cardfor people who have an old CNI card, with only the Vitale card.
The Vitale card app on the Play Store. // Source: Play Store

With integration into France Identity, public authorities would ensure that the user of a Vitale card is indeed its owner. A way to reduce fraud without replacing all the cards in circulation, as the government once considered (it was also considered merging CNI and Carte Vitale). The terms of this integration remain to be determined, while millions of French people do not yet have the new CNI, which will force the government to make the new and old methods coexist for years.

Are doctors and pharmacists ready?

There remains an important problem: even with a simple QR code system (the healthcare professional would scan their patient’s screen), are doctors and pharmacists ready to play the game? Current experimentation shows the limits of the dematerialization of the Vitale card, while most health professionals prefer the plastic card. The government will have to accelerate on this aspect to put an end to the green card.


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