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You Switch shows crazy ambition


Margaux Rousset

Published on

Oct. 6 2024 at 6:22 p.m

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They have the ideas, the financing and the final product. They are “only” missing business managers. They are Luc Pallavidino, Alexis Michel and Alexis Grould.

Objective: create businesses

These three friends launched, at the beginning of September 2024, You Switchand startup studio which aims to create businesses. “Our ambition is to launch two to three start-ups per year,” explains Luc Pallavidino, former managing director of the Caen society YouSign, no. 1 in for electronic signature and which today employs 200 people. However, he remains a shareholder.

What is a startup studio?

A startup studio is a company whose objective is to create several start-ups in succession. There are already several in France. Some are generalists and others have specialties like You Switch which only develops software with an environmental impact.

Have an environmental impact

After having worked there for ten years “thoroughly, with his head on the handlebars”, Luc Pallavidino wanted to see something else. “I didn’t necessarily want to go back into entrepreneurship,” he smiles. But the desire finally tickled him. “With my two partners, we wanted to create an entrepreneurial project that made sense. »

And this one has two. Helping entrepreneurs who want to get started and do good for the planet. “We want to develop start-ups with a strong environmental impact,” explains the manager of You Switch. “Our niche is software creation. »
For example, he imagines developing software to support companies towards the ecological transition, to help them implement a circular economy or even to help them change their economic model. “For example, renting a product instead of selling it. »

Find future managers

Currently, the company which has its offices at Moho in Caendevelops its first two projects. The managers would like to develop a project every six months.

We give ourselves 15 months between the idea and the first customers.

Luc Pallavidino, gérant de You Switch

A very short time to create a start-up, but feasible. During these 15 months, the You Switch team, made up of five people, works on the software and its implementation, the IT development and the launch of the project on the market. “Upstream, we discussed a lot with experts in the field and of course did a market study,” he reassures.
At the same time, the team goes looking for people who will manage this future start-up : a technical director and a CIO (information systems director).

This is ultimately the most complicated part: finding the right co-founders who will manage this start-up for at least the next 10 years.

Luc Palladivino, gérant de You Switch

“A hyper-secure framework”

You Switch also brings financing to launch the new start-up “of several hundred thousand euros. » You Switch then becomes a 30% investor in this start-up.

A “hyper-secure” framework for those who want to enter the world of entrepreneurs. “We arrive with the pre-validated idea, money, premises and then our experience. It is a strong accelerator of business creation. »

Create start-ups in Caen

The common point of these future start-ups is Caen. Indeed, the founders of You Switch insist that future managers come and work there at least three days a week.

Our goal is to create all the boxes here in Caen. We want to develop the local ecosystem and bring back skills and talents more than in . We are convinced that it can work.

Luc Palladivino, gérant de You Switch

It must be said that You Sign is a good example of a Caen start-up that has grown significantly. The company itself went through a startup studio called Hexa. “We were there after seven years and it allowed the acceleration of the development of You Sign. »

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