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Wallonia bonuses for the purchase of a bicycle: you have less than three months left to benefit from them

The advantages are numerous: no more traffic jams, no more need to look for a parking space, and no more intoxicating your colleagues with the nauseating smell of perspiration.

During confinement, Belgians rediscovered cycling. At this time, Wallonia decided to launch a purchase bonus, whether the bicycle is electric or classic, for people who will make at least 40% of their home-work journeys with it. An even higher bonus is granted to Walloons who wish to purchase a cargo bike, even if they do not intend to use it to get to work.

However, these bonuses, initiated by the former Minister of Mobility, Philippe Henry (Ecolo), under the previous government, will only be available until December 31, 2024. And although the new Azur government must study the future of this mechanism, it is uncertain whether it will be maintained, given the budgetary difficulties. There is therefore only a little time left to benefit from this advantage, which reaches a minimum of €800 for the purchase of a cargo bike. And when we know that a cargo bike costs at least €3,000, it’s an advantage that it would be a shame to let slip away…

Last straight line to benefit from it

On the side of Pro Vélo, the association which aims to make cycling “accessible to all”we believe that these bonuses are useful. “These incentives are necessary if we want the transition to be fair,” believes Anne Le Roux, communications manager at Pro Velo. “A cargo bike, which is expensive to purchase, can replace a second car. And to equip ourselves, we very quickly arrive at amounts which can reach €4,000 to €5,000. These bonuses are therefore important for many households, even if there are other incentives such as company bicycles or even mileage allowances granted by employers to workers.”


A cargo bike, which is expensive to purchase, can replace a second car.

At Graines de Vélo in Gembloux, where we sell cycles of all types, we are not certain that these bonuses are decisive in the act of purchase. “It’s not that clear cut. First, because not everyone is entitled to it for classic bikes”explains Nicolas Hanssens, the boss of Graines de vélo. “On the other hand, for cargo bikes, it’s a real selling point.”

If the end of certain financial incentives had seen Walloons rush to purchase photovoltaic panels, it is not certain that they will rush, by December 31, to merchants of cargo bikes. “However, it is not impossible that buyers want to take advantage of it.shade Nicolas Hanssens from Graines de Vélo. “I think we’ll have some pretty tight sales. But it probably won’t be madness either.”

It also remains to be seen if Saint Nicholas, attracted by this financial bonus, does not decide to leave, for the wisest parents, a cargo bike at the foot of the chimney.

François Desquesnes (Les Engagés): “What we must look for is efficiency.” ©Jacques Duchateau

Like other bonuses, will those concerning bicycle purchases join the now famous graveyard of canceled Walloon subsidies? “Any incentive policy, with bonuses, must be subject to an evaluation. And this is in progress”explains the new Minister of Mobility, François Desquesnes (Les Engagés). “What we have to look for is efficiency. What is the objective pursued by this bonus scheme? I imagine that we wanted more people to use the bicycle as part of their daily and professional trips Are we seeing an impact on the modal shift today? I don’t have any figures to give yet. If there are people who use bicycles to get to work, they are pioneers. I congratulate them. On the other hand, I don’t think that this has allowed massification. And I think that we need to work more on the infrastructure to create secure cycle routes between the places where people live and those where they work. or between homes and schools If we already have cycle paths or cyclostrades in the heart of cities, it is on the last kilometers that I want to work as a priority.

Gracq’s opinion

On the side of Gracq, the Research and Action Group for daily cyclists, we remain skeptical about the preservation of these bonuses. “We hope that they will be maintainedhowever, explains Luc Goffinet du Gracq. In the context of work, there are other solutions such as the bicycle allowance. But if you are not in the job market, apart from the bonus for cargo bikes, you are not entitled to anything. And this is specifically aimed at families or people who are embarking on a cycle logistics activity. However, cargo bikes, which can replace a car, represent a real investment for people who want to transport larger loads or simply children. Ideally, these bonuses should be maintained.”

On the Gracq side, we also refute the idea that these bonuses would be generous. “Compared to company cars, where the State grants a gift of three billion euros to all beneficiaries each year, the budget for these bonuses remains very modest and does not seem poorly spentpursues Luc Goffinet. Finally, let’s remember that while it is positive to have bonuses to buy a bicycle, they are of no use if people risk their lives outside. At Gracq, our main focus remains improving road safety and creating infrastructure suitable for cyclists.”

According to figures transmitted by the Public Service of Wallonia (SPW), since 2021, 11,287 Walloons have already obtained a bonus following the purchase of a bicycle. This represents nearly €3,171,724.14 paid.

Note that in total, 14,393 requests were submitted and 12,530 files were closed. The budget allocated to these bonuses is 4 million euros.

According to an analysis carried out in May 2024 by the SPW on these bonuses, in the category “muscle bikes”sports models (mountain bikes, road bikes, gravel bikes) represent the majority of bikes (62%).

Cargo bikes, for their part, account for 9.31% of bikes, and almost all (97.22%) of these cargo bikes are electric. The SPW, which interviewed the beneficiaries of these bonuses, indicates in this report that “the incentive role of the bicycle bonus seems fulfilled, since the vast majority of beneficiaries travel by bike more often than before and believe that this bonus motivates them to do so”. When it comes to purchasing, “the bonus had an influence for almost half of them” : “Without the prospect of a bonus, they would have opted for a lower quality bike or one without electric assistance, or would have delayed or given up on this purchase.”

In many cases, the purchase of a bicycle can result in obtaining a regional bonus. But certain conditions must be respected…

How much can you receive? ©Photo News

To obtain a bonus, you must first be domiciled in Wallonia. You must then, for a classic bicycle, commit to making at least 40% of journeys between home and work or 40% of journeys linked to looking for a job with this bicycle. On the other hand, if it is a cargo or longtail bike, the user is not obliged to use it to get to work. He simply has to commit to daily use, such as driving his children to school, running errands or going to the bank.

For used bicycles, only those purchased from a professional can allow a bonus to be granted, as it is necessary to attach a proper invoice to the request.

How much can you get?

The premium amounts to a maximum of 20%, 30% or 40% of the purchase price of the bicycle including VAT, with ceilings ranging from €50 to €1,250. On the Wallonia website, a document lists the bonuses that can be received.

Concretely, a Walloon with an overall taxable income greater than €32,700 will be able to obtain €50 for a used muscle bike, €150 for a new bike, €100 for a used electric bike or speed-pedelec, and €200 for a new one. For this category of applicants, the amount of the premium cannot exceed 20% of the purchase price. The premium for a cargo bike will be at least €800.

These amounts may be increased if the applicant has income below the ceiling of €32,700 and is a member of a single-parent family or a large family. An increase is also available for job seekers.

Finally, note that the regional bonus can in certain cases be combined with a municipal bonus. Some municipalities even go so far as to double the amount. Unfortunately, in this matter, not all Walloons are in the same boat. The Wallonia website includes a non-exhaustive list of municipalities which offer such an advantage. But the easiest way is to inquire directly with your municipal administration.

More information on the official website of Wallonia:

Bicycle bonuses in Wallonia: SPW statistics

Year Files introduced Files submitted/day Closed files Files closed/day Validated files Files validated/day Amount of validated files Average amount/validated file
2021 3194 9,23 3025 8,74 2730 7,89 640.906,11€ 234,76 €
2022 5091 13,95 2517 6,9 2272 6,22 654.347,52 € 288,01 €
2023 3696 10,13 4484 12,28 4072 11,16 1.213.136,22 € 297,92 €
2024 2412 8,8 2504 9,14 2213 8,08 663.334,29 € 299,74 €
TOTAL 14393 10,66 12530 9,28 11287 8,36 3.171.724,14 € 281,01 €

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