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“We are going to establish data centers accessible to all”

– Important initiatives have been undertaken to encourage innovation within the framework of Digital Morocco 2030. What transversal axes have been identified for development in Morocco?

We have identified several transversal axes essential for our development: skills, connectivity and cloud. We will establish data centers accessible to all, serving citizens and businesses. It is obvious that this infrastructure is essential. Among the incentives put in place, particular attention is paid to outsourcing and digital export. We are familiar with the offshoring model with multinationals, but today it is crucial to promote the export of innovative products and services. Of course, it is important to support offshoring, because these large companies recruit massively and attract talent in the IT sector.

However, we also have a multitude of tech SMEs and startups offering innovative solutions ready to export. The Moroccan market may seem limited, but the African potential is immense, without forgetting our proximity to Europe. An effective export strategy is therefore essential. Within our Federation, we have already started to develop an operational strategy, initiated during my previous mandate and continued after my re-election on July 18. Our goal is to seize opportunities for our members, as competition in the market is high.

– How does Morocco intend to support exports and business transformation?

It is vital that Morocco has managed to carve out a place for itself on the international stage, as this plays a determining role in the economic development of the country. The minister and the government have clearly understood the importance of this dynamic: it is imperative to support national growth while developing export opportunities for outsourcing companies, as well as for tech SMEs and startups. This dual approach not only strengthens local capacities, but also opens up new perspectives on external markets.

We must also distinguish between tech SMEs and startups. Tech SMEs, for example, already have a client portfolio and a stable turnover. Some of them have even managed to establish themselves in Africa and other regions of the world, which demonstrates their ability to export and adapt to diverse environments. On the other hand, startups are generally in the development phase. They focus on innovation and creating new solutions, but often face funding challenges. This search for funds is crucial for their survival and growth, as it allows them to realize their ideas and launch themselves into the market.

However, it is important to note that tech SMEs are not just about generating revenue. They are also keen to attract new investors to strengthen their market position and further expand their businesses. With this in mind, our strategy includes strong support for tech SMEs, because they will play a fundamental role in the digitalization of businesses in Morocco. This digital transformation is essential to allow Moroccan companies to remain competitive on a global scale.

Many very small businesses (VSEs) and SMEs, particularly in key sectors such as textiles, agriculture and industry, require assistance to successfully transition to digital. These sectors represent a significant part of the Moroccan economy, and their modernization is essential to guarantee their sustainability and growth. This is where the concept of the Virtuous Circle comes in, which is of great importance. This circle allows us to identify national assets and develop strategies to maximize them. If some companies encounter difficulties adapting to new market requirements, it is essential to support them so that they can become efficient, both nationally and internationally.

By supporting this approach, the Kingdom will not only be able to strengthen its economic and local fabric, but also position itself as a strategic hub for companies wishing to establish themselves in Africa or other regions. The development of such dynamics is essential to foster a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem, where tech SMEs and startups can thrive and contribute to an innovative and sustainable economy.

What is the situation of 5G in the context of digital infrastructure development?

For the development of digital infrastructure, collaboration between telecom operators and the ANRT is proving to be a major asset. Currently, good coordination is already established between these two entities, which allows initiatives to be implemented in a harmonious manner. The digital strategy, which has been put in place, provides a clear and defined direction, essential to accelerate the development of very high speed. By comparing the situation five years ago to today, we can see a clear evolution in the infrastructure and services offered. This dynamic of progress is encouraging and underlines the importance of continuing this momentum.

The ongoing strategy is designed to further boost connectivity in the country. Indeed, the development of very high-speed connectivity is crucial to meet the growing needs of the population and businesses. However, it is also recognized that it is necessary to improve the management of deployment in order to ensure fluidity in the process. Better deployment management will reduce delays and optimize the resources used. Telecom operators are competent and have the necessary expertise to carry out these projects. In addition, the ANRT has a good knowledge of the territory and the gaps that exist in the current infrastructure. This allows it to identify priority areas where improvements are needed.

The main objective of this collaboration therefore remains to streamline and accelerate the deployment process in order to improve connectivity throughout the country. By implementing these actions, we can hope not only for better Internet accessibility for all, but also for an improvement in the quality of digital services. This will contribute to more inclusive socio-economic development and better competitiveness of the country on the international stage.

What changes are expected for the modernization of public administration?

As part of this aspect, and as a member of the federation, we have an essential role to play in terms of advice, support, coaching and guidance. I noticed that there are already pooling and capitalization efforts that will be put in place, which is a very positive point. Communication is also a crucial aspect, because it ensures good coordination and overall management of initiatives. This promotes a coherent and harmonized approach in the development of public services.

A particularly interesting element highlighted by the Minister is the idea of ​​a single portal. This concept is revolutionary, as it avoids the current confusion where citizens do not know which website to turn to to access a specific service. With a single portal, all services will be centralized, significantly simplifying access to information and making it easier to identify duplicates and redundant functions.

In addition, it is proposed to set up a dedicated committee around this portal. This committee will be responsible for identifying essential functionalities that need to be developed for different sectors, such as Justice, Health, Agriculture and Interior. This collaborative approach will ensure that the needs of all citizens are taken into account, while ensuring greater efficiency and smoother service. In short, this unique portal project represents a major step forward towards a more modern and more accessible administration for all.


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