DayFR Euro

Brussels: Renolution bonuses will soon make their return

Lhe path to take to relaunch the payment of the 2024 energy and renovation bonuses for the Brussels Region is now defined, we learned on Thursday, following the meeting of the Brussels government on current affairs.

Everything was prepared in consultation with the leaders of the French-speaking negotiators (MR-PS-Engagés), said Energy Minister Alain Maron (Ecolo) on Thursday, interviewed by the Belga agency.

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Brussels: first step towards the return of Renolution bonuses for 2024

Concretely, the Brussels Parliament will adopt, on Friday, barring any major surprises, the proposed resolution asking the government in current affairs to reactivate the payment of these bonuses suspended since last August because the sum then already committed had reached the budgetary amount which had been booked there for the whole year.

The Minister of the Budget (editor’s note: Sven Gatz – Open VLD) will then have to execute the parliamentary request in agreement with the outgoing government in current affairs and in line with the Brussels pre-formation parties. According to Sven Gatz, in doing so, the budget minister “is therefore at the service of the new parliament, the government in current affairs and the foreshadowing of the new majority”. The minister will therefore prepare a regular 2024 budget adjustment in order to include, according to him, “the additional 71.4 million euros necessary for the 2024 Renolution bonuses”.

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The rush before the end of the Renolution bonuses in Brussels: “We should have been warned earlier! »

According to Minister Maron, a process will be used allowing in certain cases to adjust expenditure on a budget line, without having to go through a political adjustment a priori, but rather a posteriori. This adjustment will have to be voted on by parliament before the end of the year.


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