DayFR Euro

exports 4 submarines to the Netherlands

This is an article from the Tribune (source here) which looks back on the superb submarine contract from Naval Group which has just won the renewal of the Dutch fleet.

“It was a Champions League final not to be lost; Naval Group won despite headwinds. The French naval group has established itself, albeit with forceps, in the Netherlands thanks to its decisive new commercial weapon, the expeditionary submarine Barracuda, facing its two most formidable competitors of the moment – ​​the Swedish-Dutch duo Kockums/ Damen and especially the German ThyssenKrupps Marine Systems -TKMS) – while awaiting the emergence of more financially aggressive South Korean rivals. In this regard, the campaign in Poland, which wants to buy three submarines, risks being very instructive with this new South Korean competition (Hanwha and Hyundai).

For now, Naval Group is once again popping champagne in the Netherlands after having already recently defeated its European competitors in India and Indonesia. Despite a change of government and an appeal by TKMS, the Netherlands has not changed course. The new government realized that they had obtained “ultramodern submarines” with Naval Group. “This will allow us to serve Dutch security interests and those of NATO and Europe as much as possible,” State Secretary for Defense Gijs Tuinman said on Monday. Currently, Naval Group maintains good commercial momentum in the field of submarines. For what ? The Barracuda submarine is a building where the level of innovation has allowed Naval Group to be more attractive than the competition.

The naval group worked with Saft, a subsidiary of TotalEnergie, to develop a new generation of hyper-secure lithium-ion batteries intended for submarines. Batteries that allow missions lasting more than 70 days. The Barracuda submarine emerges approximately every ten days to refill its diesels very quickly. In the end, he spent more than 90% of his mission diving. Ideal for navies who want to prioritize ocean missions like that of the Netherlands. To carry out such missions, you need submarines that go very far and remain submerged for a long time. This is not the case for so-called coastal submarines equipped with an AIP (Air Independent Propulsion), and therefore confined to coastal protection missions.

“There was an AIP versus batteries competition. And the Netherlands chose batteries,” we explain to La Tribune. “The Netherlands has roads and maritime infrastructure to protect. And they also have territories that are a little far away as well as a vision of an expeditionary coalition.”

The arms sector is therefore doing very well.

And it is one of the rare French sectors which still exports.

So at a time when we are talking about CSR, CSRD, calculating its social and environmental impact and the arms industry is running at full speed to release tons of bombs, shells, grapeshot and other missiles on civilian populations, it is still quite revolting.

So you will think about peeing in the shower and eating a plant-based steak to save the planet.

For the rest, States and industries are busy rotting our planet to proportions that you have no idea of.

Charles SANNAT

“Insolentiae” means “impertinence” in Latin
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