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for Jean-Louis Pech, “the French equipment manufacturer industry is on the brink of the abyss”

CEO of Actia Group (), Jean-Louis Pech has been for several months the President of the Federation of Vehicle Equipment Industries


What weight does the FIEV currently have in ?

Our union represents the interests of some of the players in mobility-related equipment, mainly automotive equipment manufacturers. This sector generates around 16 billion euros in annual turnover. The FIEV represents the interests of a sector which represents 57,000 jobs… Half of which are linked to thermal vehicles, the end of which is scheduled.

How is the sector doing?

Our sector is in bad shape. He is faced with a combination of perilous situations. I am thinking of the electrification of the automobile fleet, which is a good thing from an environmental point of view, but which leads to a transformation which requires large investments in terms of electronic infrastructure while order books collapse and competition with Chinese manufacturers are fierce.

This results in layoffs and site closures?

Until now, the sector has held back because it was hopeful of coping and adapting to the energy and technological revolutions. The various aids allocated to acquisition, in France and Germany, had until then supported the market. The sector was counting on the dynamism of the electric market to absorb the shock of the shutdown of the thermal engine market and transform itself. But uncertainties about the future of aid have weighed down the purchasing intentions of French households for cars in general and for electric or hybrid vehicles which remain expensive. The current situation shows that the shock for our businesses will be harsher than expected. Month after month, we record fewer sales. Today, although many industrial sectors have returned to their pre-Covid activity levels, the automobile industry is not in this situation. We have lost 18% of our workforce since 2019.

In terms of jobs, the electrification of the vehicle fleet will not compensate for the jobs that will be lost in the thermal part of our activities.

Electric vehicles are full of electronics and innovations, starting with batteries, which are the subject of large investments and industrialization projects in France. Doesn’t that bring hope?

Yes, for certain equipment manufacturers who are on electronic parts, sensors, etc. But these opportunities do not compensate for the difficulties of suppliers working on thermal engines. In terms of jobs, the electrification of the vehicle fleet will not compensate for the jobs that will be lost in the thermal part of our activities. This is all the more true as we are faced with declining sales. We are suffering on the thermal side, but also on the electrical market. I am worried about our sector. Despite the expertise and capacity for innovation in our sector, we are on the brink of the abyss.

In New Aquitaine, what weight does this automotive equipment supplier still have?

The Nouvelle-Aquitaine region is not one of the major industrial players in the sector, just like my region, . For you, this represents 17 companies and 4,752 employees.


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