DayFR Euro

“There were problems, but all customers will be fully compensated”

47 customers are affected. Unlike Paul, who had his fill in Namur, it is not a money problem that raises the question here. It was after filling the vehicle with gasoline that the problems started…

After refueling his car in Namur, Paul expected to pay 28 euros, not 150: “I’m not the only one to have had this problem”

This is the Maes gas station in Hechtel-Eksel. 47 people had engine problems after refueling with Euro 95. Jelle Pauwels from Maes Energy & Mobility, explains to HBVL: “Our customers will be fully compensated following problems at our service station in Hechtel, due to Euro 95 gasoline. Our pumps are equipped with an automatic detection system which blocks the pumps as soon as they encounter a problem. A technician will come to the site as quickly as possible to check the problem. The diesel was also fully checked, but there were no problems and therefore this fuel can still be used. Gasoline 95 and 98 remains inaccessible to this day. »

For the moment, we do not yet know what is the origin of the problem, but numerous complaints have been filed since late Friday afternoon. In total, there are 47 people who can make a claim, those who went there that day. “These people can contact us at [email protected]. We are fully insured for these types of issues, so all 47 people can rest assured that they will be fully compensated. So there is no need to put everything together as a group first: our insurer will take care of each case and reimburse it. For the moment, the origin of the problem remains uncertain. The samples are still being examined. We hope to get the results quickly.”

Three vehicles break down after refueling at the Q8 service station in Herseaux: “No way to start the car!” »


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