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With the SIREXE Hackathon, innovate in the extractive sector of Ivory Coast

(SIREXE) – On September 20, 2024, on the 20th floor of the SCIAM building in Abidjan, a press conference was held marking the official launch of the Hackaton of the 1era edition of the International Exhibition of Extractive and Energy Resources (SIREXE). Organized under the aegis of the Ministry of Mines, Oil and Energy, led by Mr. Mamadou Sangafowa Coulibaly, this Hackaton promises to be a major meeting for innovation in these key sectors. This innovative initiative is aimed at African youth and aims to find creative and technological solutions to the challenges these industries face.

During the conference, Madame AKA, Deputy Commissioner General and Spokesperson of the SIREXEunderlined Côte d’Ivoire’s ambition to make the mining, oil and energy sectors the spearhead of its economic development. For the first time in Africa, these three sectors will be brought together in the same show, reinforcing their complementarity. “SIREXE will bring together panels, conferences, B2B meetings, side events, as well as a television news and a golf tournament, but one of the great innovations will undoubtedly be the Hackaton,” she declared.

The Hackatonwhich will take place from November 27 to December 2, 2024 at the Parc des Expositions in Abidjan, is aimed at students, startups and companies of all nationalities, with a particular focus on African participants. The objective? Find innovative solutions in the areas of identifying illegal mining sites, gold traceability, and data collection on production and tax payment, focusing on semi-industrial mines , crafts and quarries.

Participants will have to form teams of five people maximum, and nine projects will be selected for the competition during the SIREXEor three projects per sector (mining, oil and energy). The website dedicated to this event ( is now operational, and registrations are open until October 22, 2024. In terms of rewards, the teams will compete for a first prize of 10 million CFA francs, while that the second and third will win 1.5 million and 1 million CFA francs respectively.

The issue for participants is not limited to financial prizes. Mrs. AKA specified that the Ministry of Mines, Oil and Energy is looking for concrete solutions. The winning projects will thus benefit from a direct partnership with the Ministry, and their solutions will be integrated into current projects, offering the winners a real opportunity for impact.

The teams will be managed by six coaches from the Ivorian public administration, each with more than ten years of experience in their respective fields. A jury of five experts, with fifteen years of experience, will be responsible for evaluating the projects. To guarantee the transparency of the process, a justice commissioner will also be present to ensure compliance with the rules.

Mr. Sebati CISSE, Commissioner General of SIREXEunderlined the importance for young people to fully invest in this competition. “You will need to show creativity and determination. Don’t be afraid to push your limits and take risks. We will, I am sure, receive exceptional projects that could be game-changing in these strategic sectors. »

The SIREXEwhich aims to become the reference platform for mining, oil and energy players in Africa, is part of Côte d’Ivoire’s desire to transform these sectors into pillars of its development. Under the leadership of President Alassane Ouattara, the country is focusing on responsible and sustainable exploitation of its natural resources, while promoting the development of renewable energies.

This biennial fair represents a fantastic opportunity to strengthen regional and international partnerships, mobilize funding and highlight the country’s potential. By bringing together political decision-makers, businesses and investors around these crucial themes, the SIREXE will allow Côte d’Ivoire to position itself as a major player on the international scene.


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