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Innovation at the heart of a sector in full transformation

Under the aegis of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the second edition of the Cultural and Creative Industries Conference (ICC) will take place in Rabat on October 2 and 3. This major event brings together a wide range of political, economic and cultural decision-makers, as well as national and international experts, to discuss the future of a booming sector with significant economic and social benefits.

Organized jointly by the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, in collaboration with the Federation of Cultural and Creative Industries of the CGEM and with the support of the European Union in Morocco, these meetings are part of a dynamic aimed at propelling ICCs to the forefront of the Moroccan economy. The theme of this edition, “Celebrating heritage, investing in progress”, reflects the duality between preserving the Kingdom’s cultural wealth and the need to adapt to global technological and economic changes.

The cultural and creative industries today represent a booming sector, creating nearly 50 million jobs worldwide and generating revenues of around $2,000 billion. In Morocco, the ambition is clear: to rely on a pool of young creative talents and an exceptional cultural heritage to make the Kingdom a continental leader in this field.

Innovation, pillar of the transformation of CCIs

At the heart of the discussions, innovation and digitalization appear to be essential levers to enable Morocco to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the ICCs. “We must act quickly to exploit technological advances and ongoing changes,” underlined Neïla Tazi, president of the Federation of Cultural and Creative Industries. For her, Morocco has all the necessary assets to accelerate its development in this sector, by combining public support, private investment and innovative initiatives.

The challenges are numerous: developing effective governance, adapting financing to the specific needs of the sector and promoting synergies between public and private actors. “The conference constitutes a strategic platform to strengthen this dialogue and create appropriate policies,” added Neïla Tazi.

The European Union, a key partner of this event, is actively committed to the development of ICCs in Morocco. For Patricia Llombart Cussac, Ambassador of the European Union to Morocco, “the development of cultural and creative industries is of common interest for Morocco and Europe. Our support for this sector in Morocco is a continuation of a solid and long-standing cooperation.

This European commitment aims to support Morocco in its transition to a modern cultural economy, capable of combining the promotion of heritage and the exploitation of cutting-edge technologies.


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