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Cobenfy: the first treatment for schizophrenia in 70 years

Bristol Myers Squibb has received approval to market the first treatment for schizophrenia in 70 years, providing new options for millions of affected patients.

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This treatment, administered in the form of two tablets per day, offers new perspectives for the millions of people living with this severe psychiatric illness.

A new treatment for schizophrenia after age 70

Bristol Myers Squibb has obtained approval to market a new drug for patients suffering from schizophrenia. This treatment, sold under the name Cobenfy, is the first of its type to be launched in seventy years, marking a major breakthrough for people suffering from this psychiatric disorder.

Around 24 million people worldwide are affected by schizophrenia, a serious illness that can cause hallucinations and delusions. Thanks to this drug, new treatment options are now available to improve the quality of life of patients. Bristol Myers Squibb acquired this treatment last year by purchasing Karuna Therapeutics for $14 billion, a significant investment in the mental health field.

Economic outlook and future development

Schizophrenia treatment could generate up to $1 billion in annual revenue by 2027, analysts say. This potential success makes Cobenfy a flagship product in the portfolio of Bristol Myers Squibb, which until then was more recognized for its cancer treatments.


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