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Swiss Cleondris launches a granular and secure back-up solution for Netapp

Swiss company Cleondris has unveiled its new backup solution for Netapp ONTAP systems. The tool combines several security mechanisms and an architecture using blockchain to recover data in a targeted and reversible manner in the event of an attack.

Specializing in the backup of Netapp environments, the Swiss publisher Cleondris is launching a new solution integrating various security tools and granular restoration functionalities. Called Cleondris One, the software was developed based on the publisher’s 15 years of experience with its customers and benefits from its in-depth technical knowledge of Netapp ONTAP systems with which it integrates perfectly, whether on site or in the cloud.

Cleondris One aims to be a global cyber-resilience solution combining security, compliance and data recovery. “We want that when we ask an IT manager if he has confidence in his backups, he can answer: ‘yes, I have complete confidence in my backups and my ability to restore my data’”, explained Dr Christian Plattner, CEO of Cleondris, during the IT Press Tour*.

On the security side, Cleondris One constantly monitors in real time all traffic to ONTAP without affecting system latency and adds several security mechanisms to the functions already present in Netapp. The tool notably checks file names, the plausibility of their format (“it doesn’t look like a PDF”) and unusual user behavior (suddenly writing hundreds of files, for example). User companies have various means to intervene in the event of suspicious activity, ranging from alerting to blocking the user. The solution naturally integrates with the organization’s SIEM.

On the recovery side, the solution helps meet the needs of businesses facing a cyberattack, with IT managers wondering what data was affected and when, and which backup to reactivate to eliminate all corrupted files with minimal loss of employee work . To respond to this, Cleondris has developed an ingenious architecture, notably integrating the registration of all operations (users, files) on a blockchain. By relying on this granular and compliant history, managers can target precisely which data to recover, but also roll back if something goes wrong. “It’s a bit like having a forensic team integrated into your software,” comments Christian Plattner.

As part of the IT Press Tour, a journalist from ICTjournal was invited with other European journalists for two days to Istanbul to meet 6 IT companies. Travel and accommodation costs were fully covered by IT Press Tour.


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