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the little-known good plan that will please tenants

A bonus of 200 euros is offered to tenants who leave their apartment. This collaborative idea launched by a start-up will also simplify procedures for owners.

Many young people are looking for accommodation at the start of the school year or at the end of the year to continue their studies. But the demands often outnumber the offers. It is therefore difficult to find accommodation when files pile up and competition is fierce. For owners, the change of tenant is also a source of stress since they are exposed to the risk of rental vacancies and loss of rent. A start-up launched last summer offers a rather interesting collaborative solution for tenants who wish to leave their apartment, by offering them a bonus of 200 euros.

The Neiboro rental site rewards tenants who find their own successor. To obtain it, they must first write their ad (validated by the owner before it is put online). The tenant is then responsible for selecting the candidates, organizing the visits and once the rare gem has been found, he can send the file to the owner who may or may not validate it.

It is nevertheless up to the new tenant to pay the sum of 200 euros, but also the service which amounts to 130 euros. “This amount (200 euros, editor’s note) can for example be used by the tenant to cool the apartment, so that he can recover his entire deposit. The new tenant can thus benefit from accommodation in perfect condition, thanks to the small works carried out by his predecessor,” founder Frederic Vonoorenberghe explains to Capital,

These exclusive offers have the advantage of meeting a need in the face of market saturation since the advertisements are not published on traditional rental platforms. In addition, when a tenant finds his replacement quickly, he has the possibility of leaving the accommodation before the end of his notice period.


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